New Norwegian paper credits sun with 50% of warmin


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New Norwegian paper credits sun with 50% of warming we have experienced. Keep in mind, even according to alarmists we have only seen about 0.8 Celsius warming since 1850. This study suggests that around half of that (but at least 25%) of that was caused by variations in the sun. This study was done by several Norwegian scientists. If they are correct, then all that is left to blame on man (and that's if you want to credit man with ALL that is left) is around 0.4 Celsius warming in 160 years even though we were coming out of the Little Ice Age. Remind me why we should all be alarmed and spending billions on this issue again?

Norwegian Study suggests larger role for sun in "Anthropogenic" global warming
really? none of you global warming enthusiasts are intrigued by this paper reducing man's maximum causation to below 0.4 Celsius over 150 years? i am shocked! i would expect you to be rejoicing in the streets about being mistaken. i guess my expectations were wrong?
Norway is really close to the North Pole, so I guess that would make their scientists the ones to write the difinitive paper on global warming. Mop I don't see how anyone could ever question that issue again.
wait, so you are saying it IS reasonable to question the science of global warming? i agree! sounds like we are on the same page eh?
Mop to be honest, I''ve pretty much just read the dust cover on global warming and I'll concede you are much deeper into the book. Reading Al Gore's book is the deepest I've delved into the subject. A lot of research has taken place since that book was written and I've only read newspaper and magazine articles since. What do you think the best and most objective current book on the subject would be for someone who is not a science scholar?
well, i get most of my information from about 10 blogs and about 10 sources of straight data (very rough estimates), the only book I have read was the one by Donna Laframboise called "The Delinquent Teenager That Was Mistaken FOr the World's Top Climate Scientist" which was an investigative piece on the IPCC. I will tell you that there is no way to read that book and still think the IPCC is all they report to be. This book undermines their credibility greatly and with detailed footnotes and documentation. It is incontrovertible in terms of establishing great problems with the IPCC reports. Otherwise, I would read some of the "lukewarmers" because they aren't as dogmatic one way or another and that gives a more balanced approach. I love reading Judith Curry's webpage as she is quite the scientist and was a big AGW supporter until climate gate when she smelled a rat. Since then she has been critical of the dogma associated with climate science. Bjorn Lomborg is interesting because he is fairly convinced of AGW theory but still thinks our approach should be quite moderated and that we should focus on other far more urgent issues first. This approach makes me respect him far more than those who want to make AGW the only issue.

I also encourage you to read the actual data on temperatures (taking special note on how they have been "adjusted" to fit the narrative), snow cover, hurricanes, tornadoes, arctic ice, sea ice, solar influence etc. Much of what we have been told has been so terribly distorted that just a look at the data will reveal at least gross exaggeration. I think it is reasonable to think that mankind has contributed to the warming we have seen, i do not think that it is reasonable to be as utterly insane as Gore, Hansen and Schmidt (to name a few) because the data just doesn't backup the claims they have made and are making. At this point if it is put simply:

we have warmed by 0.8 degrees Celsius in 150 years. during that time the rate of release of CO2 has rapidly increased to the point where something like 80% of the CO2 released by mankind has come in the past 40 years. in spite of that we see that the earth has only warmed negligibly in this past decade (some datasets actually show cooling during the past 10 and even 15 years while the most favorable to AGW theory show extremely modest warming). Hurricanes have not increased at all, rate of sea level rise has actually slowed, tornadoes have not grown worse, snow cover has been fairly consistent with some of the snowiest winters coming in the past 4 or 5 years and many of the other melodramatic predictions have failed to materialize. the only thing that can be pointed to that fits the predictions somewhat is the rate of loss of ice in the arctic, but our data on that is too short to compare to earlier times.

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