New Low: UF player used dead woman's credit card

ok, i was thinking "new low" was kind of harsh... but the fact that he more than likely knew the chick makes your subject title pretty legit.
Why are so many people concerned about her credit rating?

And yes this is low. We're talking Low-Low interest rates for the first 12 months...
Fortunately, I do not have much experience with losing loved ones, but I thought it was standard for credit card companies to cancel the deceased's credit cards immediately and without you even having to notify them?
I'm not sure how they know. My guess is that there are companies out there that scan the obituaries, etc. Maybe it's the same company that the Longhorn Foundation uses to figure out when their donors die.
In defense of this lowlife, I think unauthorized use of a dead person's credit card is not as mean as unauthorized use of a live person's credit card. Should I find that St. Peter and my maker do a credit check when they go over the book of life on judgement day, then I'll try my best to log onto Hornfans and retract. .
If this were not a thread on a serious topic, I would say Perrilloux wouldn't have to pull a stunt like this, because he associates with people who know how to make money.

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