New DKR Aerial

Texas Taps

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Can one of you photoshop wizards take the lower 2/3 of the NEZ lower deck and place it in the SEZ?

I don't think a full lower deck is a reasonable expectation any time soon. Even with just the lower 2/3rds it would look pretty awesome.

I am digging the new aerial, but the perspective is screwy.. That picture makes the West Upper Deck look puny.

The West Upper Deck is a monster.
i'd love to see the same shot after the temp bleachers are put in to frame the field better. right now, with all the extra grass on the south side it looks off center. aren't they building some permanent seating with concessions and bathrooms on the south end for this year or next? when is that supposed to start?
Ditto with the incomplete stadium first thoughts.

I haven't been to many stadiums but both times, each stadium was better than DKR. Mizzou and Neyland. And that sucks.
i'd love to see the same shot after the temp bleachers are put in to frame the field better. right now, with all the extra grass on the south side it looks off center. aren't they building some permanent seating with concessions and bathrooms on the south end for this year or next? when is that supposed to start?

Supposed to start 11-15
Are they really only putting in temp bleachers for the A&M game?

I had the same initial thought that it would look a lot better with the bleachers in place. I also think that angle really makes it look worse than it is. A direct overhead shot (where you can see more of the east side) will look a lot better

There was an aerial picture on the front page of the Statesman on Friday with a view of the Stadium in the distance that was pretty sweet (the picture was taken looking north towards the Stadium).
Whenever i saw all the update pics, i thought to myself that the stadium is going to be impressive when done.
Now after viewing the aerial, i dotn think that so much anymore.

Dont get me wrong, It is a marked improvement and will be a lot louder after getting the NEZ a mile closer, but the stadium does look off.

It reminds me alot of OU's stadium, minus the awkward looking stands that stand apart from the rest of the structure.

DKR absolutely NEEDS to finish the SEZ to be a truely impressive structure to rival some of the better stadiums like the Shoe or most of the SEC stadiums.
The stadium is gonna look awesome. To everyone saying it looks like a weird add-on, or a bad design, I'm guessing you haven't seen it in person. With the angle of this aerial, you can't see any of the East Side, plus the South end bleachers aren't there. The NEZ expansion blends perfectly with the stadium, obviously excluding the West upper deck.

Look at this older aerial for comparison:

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