NEW BAR--RIATA Bar and Grill Opening!


500+ Posts
My buddy Jason (who some of y'all met at the poker tourney) is finally opening his new bar after a ton of delays with permits and such. It will be called the RIATA Bar and Grill, and will be on Riata Trace catty-cornered from the leasing offices at the RIATA apartments. Grand opening will be Monday the 24th (which unfortunately is also my b-day
), and the "soft opening" will be tomorrow from 5-12, with beer and drink specials and inexpensive appetizers. Some of y'all had expressed interest in going to this, so PM me if you still want to go and I will see what I can do!

This place should be really cool--I know he's worked hard enough on it--so try and stop by to show support for a Texas Ex and check it out!!!
My wife and I looked in at the bar last week after eating at Tuscany Grill. It looks like it'll be nice - we'll definitely stop in some time to support a fellow Horn.

Will this be a good place to watch UT games? Or, is he focusing on a different atmosphere? We're definitely looking for someplace up north other than Cool River to watch games.
I'm not sure how many TV's he will have in there, but I will be going to the soft opening tonight and I will give y'all a review of the place. I seriously doubt this guy would open a bar that wasn't very UT friendly, though, so I expect it would be a cool place to watch the away games!