NEVADA WINNERS- Romney Clinton


2,500+ Posts
How is the caucus already over? I though those things took like 3 to 4 hours.

Romney- 2 Silvers & 2 Golds

Clinton- 2 Golds & a bronze (I don't think you can count Michigan)

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Ron Paul is second right now
I just don't understand Caucuses. They must be cheaper and easier to run, because I can't think of any other reason as to why they exist.

I've been busy the last couple days, so this is something of a surprise. I thought BHO had Nev. sewn up with the unions? I'm very disappointed, as I'm not nuts about HRC either being president or losing to a republican. But this thing is done. Clinton Inc. is steamrolling it. Shitfuck. Obama 2016.

That might be the most flattering picture of Hillary Rodham Clinton that I have ever seen.
BIG hold by Clinton. She was leading big in Nevada, slipped behind and pulled it out.

Edwards needs to pull out. It will help Obama and Hillary to have him out of the way (and would provide a boost to our shaky economy
Yeah, it's screwy. I just looked at CNN's State-by-State Delegate count and there are delegates already awarded to people in States that haven't been contested yet.

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I read some places that there were more than 100,000 "caucusers", but the "vote totals" on CNN's site make it look like there were about 53,000 in Nevada for the Republicans & Democrats combined. I'm not sure if it is exactly 1 person, 1 vote. I've never caucused.
Joel Stein of TIME Magazine liked the idea of holding caucuses in the work place. (Though I still find it very un-democratic.)

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