I have need of hiring a professional interpreter to assist me for approximately 6 hours during one day with a person who is from Ethiopia and a native Amharic speaker. Does anyone know where I might start a search.
Although a professional may not be there, I'm thinking a student from the country may be in need of some $.
You could call the Linguistics Dept(?), tell them your needs... ad. in the Daily Texan?
Thanks for the response Toki. UT was the first place I thought of too. I called the lisguistics department and they referred me to a professor. I called and emailed him in early November and have not yet received a response. If at all possible I would like to use a certified interpreter rather than a student although it may end up with no other option. I hadn't thought about an ad in the Texan though.
You might check with the DA or District Clerk. If you can't find a local certified, you might use someone in NYC, LA, etc. by speakerphone. Also, the honorary consul in Houston might help -- Gezahgen Kebede, (713) 271-7567, [email protected].
Thanks for the ideas Tonesky. I don't think the phone idea will work considering there are some physical manipulation of materials necessary during the day and the interpreter might get lost without seeing what's going on. I will check the DA's office first and then the consul in Houston who might know someone in Austin.
Just wanted to clear up on the religion bit, but one of the oldest form of Christianity is practised in Ethiopia. Sorry I just had to share, I've been in a week long culture training on the Horn of Africa in a military intelligence school and all this stuff is still fresh in my head.
I'll ask the Ethiopia expert in class if he knows of any translation services in Austin/Texas.
Several years ago a friend had a young girl live with her while she had surgery - she stayed about 2 months. There is a church that met at the Baptist church at Steck and Greenslope (NW Austin) and many of them spoke Amharic. One was a nurse and went to all the dr. appts. to translate. If they don't still meet there I'll bet the church knows how to find them.