I'm going to the Texas/Arkie gamewith my girlfriend, an Arkie alumna. Also going with us will be her parents (both Arkie alumni) and her brother (Millsaps, but an Arkie fan, natch).We'll be sitting in the Arkie section thanks to our ticket source. During my entire time at UT as a student and since graduating in '94, I have never gone to a UT game with someone who was our opponent's fan, much less an alum. For those of you who have been in this situation, how do you handle it? How do you maintain a modicum of grace and sportsmanship between you and your guest(s)? What kind of reaction can I expect from myself when my girlfriend and her family all start doing the hawg calling in our stadium before the game? And should I try to remain sober'ish prior to kickoff, or would being inebriated to one degree or another help me remain mellow in an effort to maintain good relations with her family during/after the game, and to make sure that one of us (hopefully her) has angry sex after the game?
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Thanks in advance for your advice.