Need a roommate


< 25 Posts
I am a 24 yr old TexasEx and I have recently been accepted to Grad School at UT and will be returning to Austin in May. I have found a great apartment in the spicewood springs / Hwy 360 area. It is a 2 bed/bath with some pretty cool views. Im just looking for a cool hornfan, preferably an upperclassman or grad student as well. As long as no smoking and drugs are involved im pretty compatible with anyone. Let me know if you are interested.
Actually, it is at the base of the hill next to Treetops… It is a place called the Falls at Bull Creek. The entrance is on 360 actually. It’s an older complex, but recently remodeled and the prices are really affordable right now.

I am going to be in a Joint program with Advertising and the LBJ School. One will be a Master’s in Interactive Advertising, and the other will be a Master’s in Public Affairs.
Wheelhorn -

I don't know if you've already put a deposit down on the apartment, but my roommates and I are looking for a roommate for the summer, possibly even through next year. just send me a PM if you're interested.