Napoli to DL


10,000+ Posts
Like a MASH unit this Ranger team has had two years of good luck all come crashing down on them this year, yet they still hold a 5.5 game lead on the A's and a 7 game lead on the Angels with 50 games to go.
Maybe get Yorvit Torreabla back on the roster? You need 2 catchers and that's one area the Rangers haven't drafted/developed very well.
Rangers didn't need this but better now than Sept. At least the R's have 6.5 over A's and 8 over Angles as they start a tough stretch in NY and Tor on the road.
I like Soto better than Torealba, not necessarily as a hitter, but for handling the pitchers. Darvish looked better yesterday than he has in a month.

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