What kind of dogs are they? House breaking small dogs should be done differently than with big dogs.
First and formost, don't let the puppies out of your sight for even a few seconds until they are completely house broken. This may mean barracading them in the room where you are or following them around all the time, but it's worth it not to have to clean up poo.
When they do go outside, make sure and praise them excessively, especially while they're actually going so that they know what they're being praised for. Also, make sure and repeat over and over again what they're doing, like "good dog, go pee pee, good dog, go pee pee...." That way they learn to know what poo and pee are.
Notice where they go inside-- our dog used to sneak behind the dining room table so that we couldn't see her, so we started blocking off that area, and we would know to take her outside when she would go over there and start investigating how to get back there.
Take puppies outside any time they approach the door or start sniffing the ground. Then they learn to go to the door when they need to go out. It's annoying as hell, b/c I guarrentee they'll head to that door 50 times during the premier of the OC tonight, but hey, that's part of training a puppy.
One day, all of a sudden, they'll be potty trained.
Don't spend a bunch of money on fancy cleaners until they're actually house broken, since they tend to go to the same place to pee. Once they're house broken, buy the emzyme cleaners and go over all of the rugs with a blacklight so that you don't miss any spots. You may need to apply the emzyme cleaner more than once to completely eliminate all traces of accidents, and thus the old dog pee smell associated with them.
Good luck with your puppies!!