My late brother in law

Bill in Sinton

5,000+ Posts
His name was Jimmy Allen. He was on the Texas Roster in 1961 and he was friends with Scott Appleton. Injuries caused him to have to give up football but he remained good friends with UT Coaches and players. He married my sister in 1962 and several times Scott would come to their apartment and study with him. Below is the roster with Jimmy's name above Scott's.
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Thanks, Bill. Some memorable names on that list. 20+ years ago, my son and I were at a memorabilia convention here in Houston. While my teenage son was "negotiating", I perused magazines and football programs. I found a Life (may have been Look) magazine with Ray Poage on the cover, which was a rarity for Life to put a college athlete on the cover. I bought it, called Ray the following Monday and told him I would give it to him if he did not have a copy, otherwise I would ask him to autograph it for me. Turned out that Ray's mother had lost her copy.

Ray was a great guy, good friend, and gone too soon.
Thanks for the memory SabreHorn. I remember that magazine and had the old copies but unfortunately over the years some overly efficient house cleaning lost them. I am sorry to hear about Ray. I remember that in the article one of his teammates said that Ray reminded him of a southern gentleman.
Thanks to both for the great memories. My mother, god rest her soul, collected everything. Even old magazines, which she stacked outside in a storage shed. She had the Life with the photos of JFK's motorcade in Dallas, and she had hundreds more stacked and bound with twine.

The one with Ray Poage was there with the others when we cleaned out her stuff years ago after her passing. It was not in good shape though, chewed a bit by critters who seemed to know how to get in and out of the shed.

That was a great cover; Ray looked like a movie star. Especially to child caryhorn who loved all the horns, especially DKR.