Must See Interview: Edward Snowden, Whistleblower

How are those of you who praised him as being a freedom-loving true American patriot who should be president feeling abt him now that he has disclosed classified data regarding US surveillance of computers in China? His short-sighted blabbings will only help our #1 economic and military opponent strengthen their information systems' protections and hinder our ability to get a better understanding of what is going on behind the Great Wall. Very dangerous for the long-term security of our country.

I noticed that some posts calling Snowden "my new hero" have been deleted recently. He's probably on his way to gaining shelter in freedom-loving, respectful-of -individual-privacy China as their new hero with his disclosures. No extradition there.

As with other events currently in the news, we should all be careful in prejudging a situation or a particular individual before all the facts are in.

Having noted the above facts abt what he has disclosed so far, can giving the names and locations of American intel agents which he told The Guardian he has be far behind? After all....freedom of speech.....

For the first time that I can recall, I agree with Boehner: this confused young man is a traitor to his country, hiding behind true American values that he has twisted in his mind to serve his own need for self-importance.
I just admire the Right's newly found aversion to the Patriot Act. I remember how it passed over their howling objections.
The Left has objected to the Patriot Act from day one. You have not been paying attention if you have missed this. Obama is pretty much a statist like Bush. The President will always take and use (and sometimes abuse) all of the power that he is given.
Obama's base is not the far left. This is exactly why this forum is stupid and a waste of my time. Do me a favor and ignore my posts. I will do the best to do the same with you.
Faux News echo chamber. You guys all try to shout down and out any voice that doesn't echo that swill. By all means, continue to whistle past the train wreck of your party.

Snowden is a traitor because he disclosed that the US has been spying on China? Well golly, isnt that shocking. Child please.
It has been a little sad to watch this principled whistle-blower and his journalistic guardian Glenn Greenwald back-slide to confused opportunist status.

Snowden has morphed from whistle-blower to leaker by detailing all sorts of activities unrelated to his initial indignation.

Greenwald has gone from Bob Woodward 2.0 to rather impassioned advocate for some personal cause of his, more Michael Moore than principled journalist.

Now Snowden is engaging in wars of words with ex-Politicians (bickering with Dick Cheney through the media) and claiming the U.S. government is trying to kill him.

A lot of left leaning commentators are punching holes in his claims as well, showing inconsistencies and potential exaggerations.

Not much credibility left for the guy.
Whatever agendas held by Snowden or Greenwald is largely irrelevant to what the discussion should center on. That is, are we as American citizens OK with part of the government (FBI, NSA) conducting policy without the knowledge and consent of the citizenry? Some concerns:
1) Congress is not able to monitor what actually takes place. Their knowledge depends on briefings that cannot be verified.
2) Those inside the agencies who find wrong doing are unable to go through the proper channels without being persecuted
Read this and this.

At this point, it seems to me that most Americans don't see the Snowden revelations as a big deal. There just isn't a critical mass necessary to effectuate change. The press isn't stirring things up and much of the face time is devoted to whether or not Snowden should be prosecuted rather than if what is going down is Constitutional and potentially dangerous to the nation.
Of course, another issue that hasn't been discussed here is Snowden's weird, spacey, slutty chick, who for whatever reason always seems to be running around in her underwear. Link.

Any doubt as to why he decided to hook-up with this gal?
His *****-smacking of Dick Cheney was totally warranted.

After guiding us into strategically pointless war that cost the lives of 4400 of his countrymen and the maiming of 30,000+ more, what gives Dick Cheney the idea that he has the moral authority to do anything other than drive to the house of every dead soldier's family and personally apologize for his egregious stupidity?
How nice that Snowden has an opportunity to share America's secrets with those freedom-loving, privacy-respecting governments in China, Russia and Cuba.
If Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Cuba, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Russia and Venezuela all turn him down (as it appears so), there always Somalia, North Korea, or Iran.

I did find Snowden's recent comments about how the US is strong arming nations into rejecting his asylum petitions somewhat amusing. The low level analyst apparently isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but surely he can't be surprised at the government's actions.

When you screw with the bull, don't act surprised when you get the horns, or as Will Rogers said, “If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.”.

Time to tuck that tail, cut your losses and face the music Ed Snowden. Prepare to be re-assimilated.
Some Americans, though probably the minority now, like to know what their secret government is doing. Unfortunately many, maybe even the majority (such as yourself) prefer an authoritarian government as long as they are provided for.
If the main stream press had any balls, the revelations Snowden helped bring to light would be on 24-7. Instead of trying Snowden in the press, the spotlight should be on Obama, General Alexander, and the lying NSA sack of dung who got in front of Congress and lied through his teeth about gathering data on every US citizen.

You see the government and their covert operations as representing Americans. See, that's where I differ.

We are told that that our safety is so threatened, it would be dangerous not to trust the government; that transparency would place us in jeopardy. But on the other hand, the government needs to know everything about all of us. Full transparency applies when it comes to the people. Zero transparency for the state.

Several months ago, Congress wanted to imprison a baseball player because they thought he probably lied to them about using steroids. Now, the director of the NSA lies to Congress in the context of disregarding the 4th Amendment as it applies to all citizens. And you are worried that Snowden may not be put in prison. God help us.
Looks like Seal Team Six may be taking a trip to Central America, with a contingency to head further south.

It could be a bit more difficult than Bin Laden, since Snowden has the elite WikiLeaks honor guard protecting him. All he has to do is blow his secret whistle and they come running.

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