Muslim Brotherhood wins Egyptian Presidency


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It is significant that the military allowed the Muslim Brotherhood candidate to be recognized as the winner of this election. A great many people were insisting that a military coup had take place prior to this announcement. That may still yet happen. But the process is underway towards approving a new constitution in Egypt and that needs to be allowed to play out.
A constitutional drafting commission has been appointed and a constitution will now presumably be drafted. If I understand the process correctly going forward, it will be much like what we saw in Iraq. The constitution will need to be approved by the legislature, and then after that, it will need to be approved by a referendum put to the Egyptian people. Then, if it is approved, a new government will be elected under the rules of the new constitution.

Of course the military can intervene and take over at any point. But as long as the process is moving forward and the military has not intervened contrary to the will of the people, we should follow this process hopefully and supportively.

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Absolutely. And I don't think we have anything to fear from the Muslim Brother vis a vis somehow forcing radical Islam down the throats of Egyptians. It's clear that too many simply don't want it.
It looks pretty scary. Taking power in country like Egypt is not going to be easy, for a political group or for the military.
Is there a reason that the Muslim Brotherhood should be against the US? A legitimate reason?

Whether you agree with the reason or not, what is that reason and is our position that is the cause of that reasoning something that should be changed or modified?

Do we understand why the Muslim Brotherhood would have a bee against us?

Do we even consider such things? It would be prudent to do so.
They have just completed the first free election of a president in the history of their country, which goes back thousands of years. On this, they are to be commended.

To be fair, their new president leaves a lot to be desired. But as far as that goes, so does our current president. And we have been doing this for over 200 years now.
The election presented the Egyptian electorate with a choice between extremists. It was worse for centerist voters than going into a US election with a choice between Maxine Waters and Rick Perry for president. The thing to be happy about is they had an election.

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