Moving help


250+ Posts
I'm moving back up to Austin soon and looking to move in the downtown area.

I've looked at the Gables West Ave so far, but need some help. Any good recommendations for downtown apartments? I'm afraid to go blindly into this since it maybe a good amount of money I putting out for housing.

Thanks in advance!
AmLi is closer to downtown and they're newer. If that's your thing, you should pick that. You can walk anywhere, even 6th. Of course, it's 1500 a month for like a 600 square foot apt. Almost NY prices.
thank yalll for the help!

I'm going to Austin next weekend and will hopefully get a chance to look at some places in person. I used to live in a Gables property in Austin and loved it, so that's why I was considering the West Ave location.

But I will look into the other suggestions as well.

I may start to look outside downtown now too. So many choices

Thanks again and I will keep yall updated on my findings as well.