Used a MM for over two years and finally gave up on it because it did not work at all. Typical suburban backyard, I had one of the self poweree units. I used to have to send away for the asian-tiger (a good search term for the old threads if you are in Texas, btw) lure instead of octanol, and I put it right where the instructions told me to. I used it so long that I even had to replace the power generating box finally. I LOVED the science and logic of it, but it simply did not work.
I have had a built in mister for four years now and it works perfectly. No mosquitos in the backyard at all. I took over the refill/maintenance for two years, but am now back with having the pros do it.
If you rent or don't want to spend the upfront money, you can get a sprayer and treat the area whenever you need coverage. That is probably a lot smarter if you/kids are not out every day. Pyrethrum only drops what is flying when you spray, so there is not really any drop off if you don't spray constantly. For infrequent use, this can't be any harder than garlic or other sprays that coat foliage.