Minnesota vs. Texas Game 3


Pimp Daddy
The third game of the series and the second of today's double header draws nigh after the Horns took the first game 5-0. I'll get the lineups and be back for the game thread in a bit.
The lineup for Minnesota is this:

Chad Hollingsworth on the hill for Texas in game two.

Motl leads off and grounds out 6-3 for one down.

Schaefbauer grounds back to the mound for a 1-3 second out.

Fieldler at DH grounds to second to retire the side.

Texas comes to bat after Hollingworth retires the side in order
Yet another big pitcher for Minnesota and it's right hander Tim Shannon, at 6'7".

Johnson as he has all season leads off for Texas
He ground the first pitch to short for a 6-3 out one.

Shaw bats lefty with one down.
A full count and he K's swinging for two away.

Hinojosa bats righty with two down.
He hits a hopper just over the pitcher and the shortstop charges and throws late and it's an infield hit.

One on and two away for Marlow batting on the left side.
Hinojosa goes and he is gunned down by a lot at second on a high fast ball and that retires the side.

One played and nothing to report on the scoreboard.
Hollingsworth starts his second inning of work and Chad is expected fill a big starting role on the weekends this year and he certainly has the stuff to do just that.

Hanson leads off for the Golden Gophers and a come backer to Hollingsworth is a 1-3 first out.

Handel up next and he flies the first pitch to right for two away.

Holleran, the Minnesota catcher bats after having gunned down Hinojosa last inning on the steal attempt.
He K's swinging and that retires the side again in order.

Hollingsworth with another perfect inning and to the bottom two nothing but 0's on the scoreboard so far.
Shannon out for his second inning on the mound.

Marlow leads off as he was up when Hinojosa was thrown out at second last inning.
He flies a ball to left for one down.

Barrera bats with one down from the right side.
A slow roller is charged by the shortstop and his across the body throw is in time for two down.

Boswell without a hit today bats with two down from the left side.
He reaches out and lines an outside change up down the line in right for a stand up double.

Cantu bats with two outs and a chance to give Texas the lead with Boswell on second.
A deep fly ball to center, but not deep enough as the center fielder goes back and makes the catch to retire the side.

Two gone in the nightcap and still nobody for either team has touched the pay station.
Hollingsworth looks to continue his successful ways in the third.

Right handed hitting third baseman Skjefte leads off for the Golden Gophers.
A ground ball up the middle is a back handed try by Marlow and it's dropped for an infield hit.
The Golden Gopher with their first base runner of the game.

Boxwell bats lefty with one on.
Skjefte takes off and the throw gets away and it's a stolen base.
Boxwell K's on a fast ball by him for one down.

Smith bats in the nine hole from the left side with one out and one on.
A slicing fly ball to Johnson is brought in for the second out.

Motl bats at the top of he order.
He flies out to Shaw in right to retire the side.

Minnesota has yet to get a hit in the series with a runner in scoring position.

As a result we go to the bottom of the third with no tallies yet.
Shannon back to the hill for the Texas third.

Freshman Patrick Mathis at DH leads off.
He flies out to center for one down.

Gurwitz bats righty with one away.
The nine hole hitter K's swinging on a fastball under the hands for two down.

Johnson back up at the top of the order.
He is on with a HBP to put a runner at first and is a threat to steal with two down.

Shaw up with two down and one on.
Minnesota thinks Johnson will go as they employ multiple throws over to first and a pitch out.
A ground ball to second goes 4-3 to end the inning.

Three played and no numbers but 0's on the board.
Hollingsworth continues on in the fourth for the Horns on the hill.

Schaefbauer leads off against him for the Golden Gophers from the left side.
He draws a lead walk.

Fieldler up with one on from the right side.
Hollingsworth has missed badly with the last three pitches and this brings a visit from Skip.
Fiedler back in as Skip has vacated the mound.
A hard shot to center on a line is caught by Gurwitz for one down.

Hanson up lefty with one on and one down.
A fast ball is blown right by him on a big hack for a K and two away.

Handel, the shortstop bats from the right side with two down and one on.
The runner goes and Cantu has a cannon and his accurate throw nips the runner to end the Minnesota fourth.

Bottom of four and Texas looks to dent the scoreboard.

Shannon toes the rubber again for the Golden Gophers in the Texas fourth.

Hinojosa leads off from the right side against the very tall right handed pitcher.
He waves and misses at a fast ball and it's a K for one down.

Marlow bats with one away.
He bombs a fly ball to right field and it clears the fence and lands in the Texas bullpen for a homer.

Texas leads 1-0.

Barrera bats from the right side now.
He reaches out and slap a liner that plugs the gap in right center to the wall and Barrera keeps going and doesn't stop till he slides head first into third with a triple.
Texas hitting Shannon hard this inning.

This brings out the coach for Minnesota for a visit, Shannon stays in.

Boswell up with a man at third.
He swings and sends a ball to the corner in right and it's a double.
Three straight extra base hits for Texas.

Texas leads 2-0.

Cantu bats with one down and down and one on.
He rolls one to third for a 5-3 second out as Boswell has to hold at second.

Mathis, the DH bats lefty with two down and Boswell at second.
He K's looking (backward K emoticon needed) to retire the side.

Texas does dent the scoreboard and Shannon with some long balls and leads 2-0 after four.
Hollingsworth with a lead now can go for a victory chance as the fifth begins.

The shortstop Handel, leads off for the Golden Gophers.
A liner to center is right at Gurwitz for a quick out.

Halloran bats lefty with one down.
This time a deeper fly ball to center is the same result for two away.

Skjefte bats with two down from the left side.
It's all Gurwitz all the time this inning as he catches his third fly ball of the inning to retire the side in order.

Hollingsworth is in line for the win now if Texas can hold the lead and it's now at 2-0 halfway through the nightcap.
Shannon still works in the fifth for Minnesota.

Gurwitz of the three fly ball outs in the top of this inning leads off.
He climbs the ladder to swing at a high inside fast ball for the swinging K for one down.

Johnson back up at the top of the order bats with one away.
He is hit again on the same elbow brace as his last at bat to reach.

Shaw up with one down and one on.
And once again the Golden Gophers try to keep Johnson close with another pitch out and a snap throw to first.
Shaw lines one over the pitcher, but the shortstop was playing up the middle and the hard one hopper goes 6-4-3 for an inning ending double play.

Five in the books and Texas leads 2-0.
Hollingsworth stays put for a sixth inning on the mound for the Horns.

Boxwell leads off lefty and K's looking and has word for the ump as he leaves as he thought the pitch was high.

One down as lefty hitting Smith bats.
He lines a single toward the line in left as Johnson cuts it off and get it back in quickly.

Motl up at the top of the order with one on and one down.
He K's swinging and it's a strikem out throwem out as the runner goes and is out by a mile.
I think they might consider not running on Cantu any more.

Great outing again for Hollingsworth as I would think he is done for the night.
Texas leads 2-0 to the bottom of six.
Shannon is done and the new pitcher for Minnesota is left hander Lucas Gilbreath.

Hinojosa leads off against him from the right side.
A ground ball goes to short for the 6-3 first out.

Marlow up with one down.
His homer to right broke up the double shutout his last at bat.
He swings and misses and the ball goes behind the plate and the catcher gets it and makes a long throw to complete the 2-3 put out and the K for two away.

Barrera with a blast to left center and the wind keeps it in the ballpark as it hits at the very top of the wall and it's a double for Tres.

Boswell up with two down and one on.
The Horns could use another run.
He K's swinging and again the ball gets away and another 2-3 put out ends the inning.

Texas still in the lead 2-0 after six.
Hollingsworth is still around for the seventh and I am a bit surprised by that this early in the season.

Schaefbauer leads off from the left side and sends a deep drive to left and Johnson turns and gets back and almost over ran the ball but catches it for one down.

Fieldler up with one down.
He draws a walk.

Here comes Skip and Hollingsworth is done after a good outing.
Pitching change.
The new pitcher for Texas is Ty Culbreth, a lefty who also pitched well in Houston.

He faces Hanson batting lefty with one on and one down.
The count runs full and a high fly ball to Shaw in right is two away.

Handel up from the right side with two down and one on.
He fishes for a low fast ball and K's swinging to retire the side.

Culbreth comes in and does the job and Texas still leads 2-0 as they stretch in the nightcap in Austin.
Gilbreath stays in to pitch the seventh for Minnesota.

Cantu leads off for Texas from the right side and has a nice night behind the plate cutting down two runners on steal attempts.
The count runs full and a big curve is swung at and missed for one down.

Joe Baker will pinch hit and become the DH against the left hander.
He grounds out to short and it's two away.

Gurwitz bats righty in the nine hole with two down.
He is issued a two out walk.

Johnson bats with two down and one on.
He scalds a liner down the toward the line in left for a double and Gurwitz has to hold at third.

Shaw up with a chance to plate some runs bats with two on and two down.
He becomes the third hit batsman of the night and it loads the bases.

Hinojosa up with the bases loaded and a chance to put this game away for Texas.
He pops up to short to strand them all and keep the game close.

After seven it's still Texas ahead 2-0.
Culbreth comes back for the eighth and his first full inning of work for the Horns.

The Golden Gopher catcher Halloran, leads off.
A blooper in right blows away from Shaw and it drops for a lead single.

Skjefte up with one on.
A ground ball to third and it's a 5-4 force for one away as Marlow was taken out on a legal slide at second.

Traxler pinch hits from the right side with one down and one on.
He lines one up the middle and Hinjosoa dives and catches it and the runner Halloran falls and is still down so C.J. just goes over and tags him for a 6U double play to retire the side. It looks like he hurt his ankle.

So to the bottom of the eighth Texas leads 2-0.
Gilbreath still in as the Texas eighth starts.

Marlow leads off for the Horns.
Halloran stayed in the game as he shakes off the pain.
Speaking of pain, Marlow fouls one off his ankle and goes down in a heap.
He is back up and in the lefty box and lines a single to left center, so much for the pain.

Barrera up with one on.
He serves a liner to left to put two on.

Boswell up and probably to bunt.

First out comes the head coach and the ump goes out to break up the meeting.
The signal goes to the pen and the change is made.

Pitching change.
That Cantu kid has been impressive. So far, the hitting is looking pretty good. It will be interesting to see how Minn does during the year.
A right hander is Ty McDeavitt to face Boswell.

Boswell steps in from the left side and doesn't bunt and fouls two off.
A high fly ball to left and the wind blows it and it's dropped by Traxler, who went into left. He does pick it up and gets a 7-5 force on Marlow and one down.

Two and one down for Cantu.
He sends a line single out to right center for an rbi.

Texas leads 3-0.

Baker bats with runners on the corners and one down.
He flairs one to right that drops in front of a diving right fielder for another run.

Texas leads 4-0.

Gurwitz bats with one down and runners at first and second.
A foul pop is caught by the catcher and it's two away.

Johnson bats again at the top of the order.
Two on and two down for Ben as he looks to extend the lead further.
A liner to right drops and here comes Cantu and he beats the relay throw for another tally.

Texas leads 5-0.

Shaw bats with two on and two out.
He is hit on the foot by a pitch to load the bases.

So like his last at bat Hinojosa bats with two down and the bases loaded.
A liner to center is caught and that retires the side.

Texas pads the lead and to the ninth the Horns look for identical 5-0 wins in a double bill at the Disch.
Culbreth stays in and looks to close out the win in the ninth.

Smith leads off batting lefty for Minnesota.
He swings and misses and Cantu completes the play with the 2-3 put out.

Motl bats once more in the lead off position with one away.
A ground ball out to Marlow for the 4-3 second out.

Schaefbauer up lefty is the last hope for the Golden Gophers.
The count runs full and a walk keeps the game going.

Fieldler bats right handed with two away and one on.
A ground ball up the middle is a single and the game continues.

Hanson bats lefty with two on and two down.
A big curve ball is taken on the inside corner for a called strike three (really need that backward K emoticon Dion)
and that ends the game.

Texas wins the nightcap 5-0 just like they did the opener. The Horns take the series as they win the third game.
The pitching was great and enough hitting when they needed it does the job for the Longhorns.

Clemens will get the ball tomorrow and he looks for a good outing after a bad one in Houston last week.
Texas goes for the sweep tomorrow at 1 pm. See you then. :hookem2::bevo:

Perfect. Sure hope that Clemens was just suffering from 1st game jitters and that he is a solid starter for us this season as we're dangerous now without another solid starter. Add one, who knows what this promising season produces.

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