Shannon toes the rubber again for the Golden Gophers in the Texas fourth.
Hinojosa leads off from the right side against the very tall right handed pitcher.
He waves and misses at a fast ball and it's a K for one down.
Marlow bats with one away.
He bombs a fly ball to right field and it clears the fence and lands in the Texas bullpen for a homer.
Texas leads 1-0.
Barrera bats from the right side now.
He reaches out and slap a liner that plugs the gap in right center to the wall and Barrera keeps going and doesn't stop till he slides head first into third with a triple.
Texas hitting Shannon hard this inning.
This brings out the coach for Minnesota for a visit, Shannon stays in.
Boswell up with a man at third.
He swings and sends a ball to the corner in right and it's a double.
Three straight extra base hits for Texas.
Texas leads 2-0.
Cantu bats with one down and down and one on.
He rolls one to third for a 5-3 second out as Boswell has to hold at second.
Mathis, the DH bats lefty with two down and Boswell at second.
He K's looking (backward K emoticon needed) to retire the side.
Texas does dent the scoreboard and Shannon with some long balls and leads 2-0 after four.