mexican pols angry with AZ


if this weren't so pathetic the irony would be laughable

A delegation of nine state legislators from Sonora traveled to Tucson to make the case against Arizona’s new employer sanctions law

The lawmakers say it will have a devastating [e]ffect on the Mexican state.

At a news conference Tuesday, they said Sonora cannot handle the demand for housing, jobs and schools it will face as illegal Mexican workers in Arizona return to their hometowns without jobs or money.

How long before mexico asks us for help? We are getting ready to send them 14 bil for drugs
maybe mexico should have negotiated with the US government to obtain work visas for their citizens instead of assisting illegal crossings violating us federal laws. mexico is as much to blame for the US immigration problem as those actually swimming and digging across.
true, If mexico could build walkways along their northern border they would while they send federales to their southern borders. mexico doesn 't want to give up 29 bil in remittances.

This was too funny tho
"“How can they pass a law like this?” asked Mexican Rep. Leticia Amparano Gamez, who represents Nogales."

How DARE the USA pass laws that protect American interests
Maybe the US Govt. should have enforced laws long ago.

Now, it is too far gone to fix with a sudden law.

It is OUR mess.
I am truly confused. You say a law won't work
See, the law in Az DID work causing illegals to move back to mexico where they are legal
and that is why the mexican lawmakersw are complaining.
They don't have money for housing education and jobs for all the illegals who were here and are now flooding back into mexico/
See Sonora is in Mexico
The law worked, a similar law in Ok is working. That is why the pols in mexico are whining. Now they have to find a way to take care of their own people
The fence was introduced into this discussion because someone commented that "Now, it is too far gone to fix with a sudden law."

Has it?

Mexico has laws and lawmakers that actively encourage illegal immigration.

If the United States had laws and lawmakers that actively discouraged illegal immigration it would have some mitigating effect.

But lo, they want to buy votes by giving citizenship to people here for a job.
You posted, "So, has the law actually changed anything at all? "
then you quoted a DMW article
That is just plain silly
the Legal Arizona Workers Act took effect JANUARY 01'08
this is jan 16
the article You cited said they'd contacted authorties a week ago
so pmg are You really trying to say the law isn't working based on reports from Jan 9 on a law that took effect jan01?
are you trying to say it should have accomplished more in it's first 7 days?
really silly don't ya think?
IF it isn't a concern why do you think the pols from sonora were whining about it
it is called th LEGAL ARIZONA WORKERS Act.
catchy name

btw Phoenix will no longer be a sanctuary city
and a federal court upheld Prince William county MD's law that requires proof of LEGAL residency to receive county

another federal judge also dismissed a lawsuit that challenged OK's new rough laws against Illegals.
None of these are directed against LEGAL immigrants btw

So maybe one law can't change everything but many laws , cities, counties and states can change things.
Calling me "silly" is hardly an answer to my question. I was in Arizona the day before this went into affect. I heard a lot of chatter about it on the local media there. So when I say this thread, I went to to see what had transpired this month since it took effect. I didn't find a lot of articles reporting any effects at all. I did find the above editorial which suggests it may not actually have much effect.

In reply to:

I really wish we could pass sort sort of real guest worker program some time soon. While people like Tancredo grandstand about immgration (since there's so many illegals in suburban Denver), people like us in Texas have to deal with the realities of the situation.
I did NOT call You silly. I said the assertion that the law didn't really change anything is silly based on the article you cited.
I asked if anyone could really say that based on results from 7 days into the law the law hadn't changed anything.
and i say again:
it is really silly to expect wholesale changes within 7 days of a law going into effect
or 7 weeks after
or even 7 months after.
It will take time but ...
don't you find it somewhat telling that elected pols from Sonora are concerned enough to go to Tucson and ask how the USA can pass such a law?
Don't you find it telling that these mexican officials are concerned that they will now have to build housinhg schools, provide med care and jobs for their own people?
honestly, i believe it is only a matter of time before we annex mexico.

and by a "matter of time" i mean at least a generation after this 29 year old is dead. but it will happen.
I hear people always use the "Go after the companies that hire illegal immigrants" line. While it is true, the focus should be on companies that knowingly hire illegal immigrants; mens rea needs to be applied to this situation if we're talking about heavy fines and jail time. Verifying of a person's legitmacy needs to be in order for companies but there needs to be a system that can get a turnaround on a person's status within a 24 hour period. Registering Resident Alien cards much like a Driver's License would be extremely benficial for companies and an easy way for verifications but there isn't a system in place right now for that. Also having a SS report that confirms the name and number of the person instead of a report of the SS# being in a valid range would help employers as well. You can go through INS but companies would much rather use private firms to confirm the status of any employee.