Memorial Wall


Deo Gratias
I committed myself to visit this board more often. This may actually be the most important forum we have. Heck, it is the most important. Any thoughts from you guys if maybe do some kind of memorial wall/page for posters who have passed? Just a thought. :hookem:
Nice idea @LonghornCatholic. We could do it as a sticky post and let members comment on it, or do a dedicated static page* on the site. That’s just a couple of ideas, I’m open to others.

* The page could include any notes, stories, or photos about the person. Whatever y’all think is appropriate and respectful.
In memory:
PFC William Hardwick: 8/15/46-11/24/66 - Quang Nam Province, S. Vietnam
2LT Danny Gilstrap: 4/27/45-2/22/68 - Dinh Duong Province, S. Vietnam

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