Media Mics Still Garbage

What happened to how they used to do it? Reporter raised hand. Someone brought them a mic.
Seemed to work ok. Maybe lengthed the pressers too much?
I know they probably won't say it out loud, but it's easier for the listening audience to tell who's asking the question when they pass the mic. This causes "issues."

The ensuing aftermath includes message board fodder like "why does Sark favor so-and-so's questions but not the ones from this person?" or "why does the athletics department only get softball questions from ___ outlet?" (Fill in the blanks as you believe).

This way, Texas controls that narrative chain and can argue they don't have a clue what anyone's talking about because there's no evidence.
Put a rail grid on the ceiling that allows an overhead microphone to glide seamlessly to the questioner.
They ask the same inane questions and get the same Coach Speak answers at every presser. Does it really matter? Can't you pretty much guess the absurd questions being asked?
They ask the same inane questions and get the same Coach Speak answers at every presser. Does it really matter? Can't you pretty much guess the absurd questions being asked?
I can determine the question based upon the answer, and I’m no Einstein but then i can quickly predict the answer the coach will give after the first sentence.
Thats what I loved about Leach. It was true, raw , unfiltered and funny.
Saban drives me nuts doing his over the top frustration to any question. Any question is beneath his status.
I can determine the question based upon the answer, and I’m no Einstein but then i can quickly predict the answer the coach will give after the first sentence.
Thats what I loved about Leach. It was true, raw , unfiltered and funny.
Saban drives me nuts doing his over the top frustration to any question. Any question is beneath his status.
What? I can't hear you.