NBHorn7 Pimp Daddy May 15, 2013 #1 Well he has good hands or at least one good hand. Pastor Matt Carter also co-authored a book with Colt when he is not hunting with him and catching quail. The Link If he ever catches a dove like that he should definately go pro. By the way he said later that he let the quail go free.
Well he has good hands or at least one good hand. Pastor Matt Carter also co-authored a book with Colt when he is not hunting with him and catching quail. The Link If he ever catches a dove like that he should definately go pro. By the way he said later that he let the quail go free.
T Third Coast 10,000+ Posts May 15, 2013 #2 Hey, a pastor will get his flock wherever he can. Quail will do in a pinch if pigeons aren't flocking into his pews.
Hey, a pastor will get his flock wherever he can. Quail will do in a pinch if pigeons aren't flocking into his pews.