Maternity Leave - When to notify not returning

Mrs. Reboot

100+ Posts
In looking into things including finances, what's best for our family right now, and everything else involved, it looks like I will not be returning to work from maternity leave. The not so short story is, I no longer have benefits with my company (they ended in December), I will be technically on leave until March 6th, and have left things up in the air with them as far as my desired hours to return to work. They know that I no longer wish to work 32 hours, but that is how I left it. The director emailed me about something else yesterday and let me know that I would need to consider 4pm appointments in my proposed return schedule. I didn't work past 4 before my leave, and wasn't planning on doing so afterward. My questions are: when should I give notice? Should I give the customary 1 month notice and let them know around February 6th that I do not wish to return to work? What could they ask of me if I don't return, other than any premiums paid in December when I was on leave already and receiving benefits still? Please advise if you have any knowledge on this subject. I enjoy what I do and the people on my team at work, but my family comes first and we are able to do this right now. I don't want to screw anyone out of anything, including myself.

I am also waiting for the short term disability paperwork to arrive from our not so punctual HR person. Could this be hindered if I give my notice before I receive my 4 weeks of STD? I paid into it for 2 years and would like to get something out of it. Again, don't want to go into this uninformed.

Thanks in advance!

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