We are childless by choice. I've never regretted it. Being a mother was never something I was interested in, and I have refused to let people make me feel guilty for it.
People have tried, though. One person onetime said, "Don't you feel obligated to have children? After all, your mother had you." By this way of thinking, then, if my mother had been an axe-murderer, then I would be obligated to be one, too.
Nosy Parkers have also asked, "Whose fault is it?" meaning, is my husband sterile or am I barren? I always answered, "Republican presidents!" You see, one of the things I strongly believe is that if you are going to procreate, then you had better be absolutely sure you can provide for 100 percent of that child's needs and about 50 percent of its wants. And during my premium child-bearing years, I was laid off of four jobs in five years because of downturns in the economy. I never felt certain that we would be able to provide for 100 percent of the needs.
But mostly, I never had children because, bottom line, I didn't want them.