Manor Road, the new restaurnat row in Austin?

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Campus Loop(y)

The stretch of Manor road just East of campus is swelling w/ new places and food choices lately. Some are outstanding.

You have Hoover's, Eastside Cafe, Mueller's BBQ, and Mi Madre's (which closes at 2 pm.) Now there are two more Mexican food places. There is Chili something opened up in the spot where there have been many coffee houses at Chicon and Manor. The chefs came from Jeffrey's and from looking at the menu, they have good selection and outstanding prices hovering about 6 bucks for the entrees. They don't have their beer and wine license yet so the guy said they are complimentary right now. Nice.

Also opened up is a mexican food place from San Antonio. Don't recall the name but it is supposed to be another 8 dollar margarita place. But they have half price entrees on Tuesdays.

You have the Vortex theater on Manor and the Flatbed Galleries on MLK a bit down the way. With the Featherlight tract now bought and soon to be developed into shopping, and other things (maybe the Children's Museum and other cultural things) the East Side in that stretch is hopping.

I will give info on the two new places soon. I like to know how good places in my backyard are.
all they need now is a world beat cafe.

Upon graduation in May I am going to focus a ton of effort on the eastside. I believe that Manor road is the next hotbed for student living. I'd like to buy a couple of older houses/fix them up and lease the out or flip them.

Why in the hell do people live on Riverside, when Manor is infinitely closer and almost as cheap. Don't give me the safe BS cause Manor is safer than Riverside either.

Anyone interested in some investment deals...Where Hoover's goes I shall follow.
No doubt that area is going to boom, but when. There are a lot of cool things over there now, but I can only think it is still going to be a couple more years before things really hit.

Hoovers, John Mullers and EastSide Cafe are all very good.
they've been saying the same thing about the east side near downtown and nothing's happened yet... many Austinites love to venture over there but few like to live there... not saying I agree with it, just that's what a lot of folks think.
Possibly its because no one has done anything.

Only the future will tell.

Plus Manor east side is tons nicer than south east side
I own two houses in French Place on Breeze Terrace north of Manor that I bought nine years ago and retn out (moved to Houston). Its a great place to live but it already aint cheap. Quite honestly I have a hard time believing pricing will go up much more and I don't see a way you can make a rent house work at current pricing. That said if and when I move back this is where I will choose to live.