Mallet to seek waiver to play in '08

That's not whining at all. If you get demoted at work because a new boss comes in and wants to do things differently and watch your career plans with the company disappear, you'd want to leave too.
I might feel more sorry for Mallett if he had redshirted this year and now was faced with sitting out another year, but he didn't. He is also not an upper classman who is going to lose one of his last year's of eligibility. He can now go to Arky, redshirt to learn the system (just like almost every other pocket passer has to do when they get to college), and then have 3 years remaining to win the job and win 3 consecutive Heisman Trophys cause he is so spectacular.

In the end, he will still get to enjoy 4 full years of playing time and a 5th redshirt year, just like everybody else. He will have lost or sacrificed absolutely nothing.

The NCAA should save making such exceptions for truly needy and deserving situations. I don't blame them for asking, but let's just all hope the NCAA is smarter than this.
There are three possible answers the NCAA could give the Mallett family:

1) No.
2) Hell No.

It's pretty cut and dry. When you sign a LOI you are committing to the institution, not the coach. This is explicitly explained to athletes as they sign a letter of intent. The NCAA won't give this more than 10 seconds of thought.
All of this is insane.

First, Mallett runs away from Michigan because he doesn't want to deal with the incoming coach's offensive system. Now, he wants special treatment because of it?!?

Ryan Mallett chould write a book on how to deal with change and adversity.

All of this crap reminds me of how Chris Leak faced a similar situation in 2004. Florida had fired Ron Zook and brought in Urban Meyer, who was going to install his spread option offense. Leak wasn't the best fit for that offense, and he contemplated transferring to Toledo. But, he stuck with it and won a championship.
Why would he get a waiver? When you transfer, you sit out a year. It's been that way forever. A coaching change is certainly not a compelling reason to grant a waiver. Put me in the whining camp.
Mallett is the type of talent the NFL has wanted at QB for the last 40 years, and that D-1A is providing in ever smaller numbers as spread offenses take over. He needs to showcase now, because odds are that Arkansas will be a spread team in 2010.
The guy above makes a good point about Leak, but forgets to mention that Leak is out of football now.
There's no way the NCAA will agree to this. It would open the door to re-recruitment of all the top players of a program when ever their coach leaves
How can the NCAA or anyone for that matter by sympathetic about this kid's situation when he is going to a school where the coach is notorious for jumping ship and leaving teams in the lurch? He is going to the school with the coach that least resembles the kind of commitment he is whining about.

If they do this, then everyone will be doing it. Arkansas, Mallet, and Petrino are wasting their time on this matter.
No way he should get a waiver based on the current rules.

You could, however, make a good argument that the current rules are wrong. A coach who wants to make more millions can leave any minute he wants to, but the amateur player has to not play for his whole first season as a penalty for switching schools?
I really don't want to see college athletes become free agents who go from team to team every year like NFL players do. That is the purpose of this rule, and the reason Mallet should not get an exemption from the rule.
Are we going to start recruiting every teams' best players to get them to transfer? What a fiasco that would be. Talk about hatred-really bad idea.
The NCAA transfer rule is heavily weighted against student athletes. If they are going to keep athletes off the field for transfer rules, then they need to hold school accountable for scholarship offers. In other words, the LOI should bind both parties.

There's no chance of that happening, so kids should be free to transfer. There should be limits, like if you're on a teams schedule the next year you should sit out, and allow no more than one player to transfer from one school to another in a given year w/o sitting out. There may be others, but they should only be in the interest of keeping things competitive and above board.
Mallett probably should have thought about what his plans were should Lloyd Carr retire/ quit/ get fired before he went to Michigan. He voluntarily gave up a free ride to one of the premier public universities in the country because he thought he was going to be a poor fit with the future offensive scheme. RichRod might have even designed a Mallett version of his offense had he (RM) stayed, but we will never know now.

The rules may be able to stand some improvement, but they are the rules. Arkansas and Mallett need to STHU.