Mack on Vince

I've got me a Dad.

I've got a couple of uncles.

I had me a Grandpa.

But damn.....if I didn't have any of those, I'd dang sure want to have me a Mack Brown.
wish he had the ability to smooth **** out like this AND

the ability to train and fire up a bunch of rabid dogs ready to attack from the kick and take a couple conference titles with bloody jowls and a thirst for more

man, VY, Diplomatic Mack without him, Simms to Titans #2, following the Horns is some drama.
I love Mack Brown. Some folks think he is too much of a diplomat but I think he handles crisis very well. He is very sincere and so very often a comforting voice. Mack always remembers my name and comes over to talk to me. He's incredibly awesome.

Maybe he should try -

"Vince, son, you are a man now. Start acting like it. College is over. The NFL people don't think you walk on water. This is the NFL. Work and commitment are going to have go into this deal. Stop trying to run and hide everytime something negative happens. Better players have been booed. Stop having your mommy speak for you. You are now going to have to work your *** off to gain back the trust and respect of your teammates and organization. Stop texting with all the backslappers in Austin and get on with your life and act like a man! BTW, there is one highly disgusted fantasy owner in OK thats not happy with you!"

Seriously, I hope VY can pull it together. He is way to talented to go away at an early age.
Somebody may need to politely and respectfully let VY's mom know that less is more and to think through what she does, he is not a chlld any longer. But it will have to be done so professinally and respectfully. She is his father and mother that he knows growing up. She needs to know that she can only hurt him and his image, despite her thinking she is helping and her undying love and support for her son.

She is a terrific person to have in his corner and he would not be here without her selfless sacrifices and nurturing as he grew. But she has to let it go to an extent. It is hard, I am sure.

She seems like a very strong minded and willed person and a fantastic person in your corner. Hook 'em VY's mom!
Yea...Barry knew not to screw with their automatic weapons, or cocain, and to look the other way when chicks were being raped in the dorms.

Mack left Barry's crap behind my friend.
"was their for them"

(provided illegal inducements in the recruiting of the afore mentioned athletes, i.e., made cash theirs)