Lunch Rotation--NW Austin


500+ Posts
My new office is at McNeil and 183, and one of my buddies works just a few blocks away, and we've been working on a two week rotation of places to eat for lunch. So far, our list includes:

-Sambet's (expensive but so worth it!!!)
-Riata Bar and Grill (their burgers are allsome and my buddy owns it)
-Pacific Star (great chow, ice-cold beer, and my buddy owns it)
-Saccone's (nothing else needs to be said)
-Jardin Corona (great mexican food, lunch specials, ritas)
-Kobe (great, but only when we have plenty of time)

Anyone else have suggestions? We had Chinese at Hwa Yuen today, and it was not bad. I like a la Carrera, too. And of course there are a ton of chains around. Fire away!
Whatever the name of that sushi place is on the east side of 183 & Anderson Mill, right next to Randall's, ain't bad.
-Reale's: only been for dinner, but I like their pizza (not as much as Saccone's, though)
-Hoover's (not to be confused w/ Hooter's): same strip center as Reale's
-Hooter's (not to be confused w/ Hoover's): wing's and whatnot
From south to north:
An Indian place, where Souper Salads used to be by the HEB at Braker and 183, is said to be among the best in town but I haven't been there yet. edit: Bombay Bistro

Twin Lion (Chinese, dabbling in Vietnamese), also in that center across the parking lot, is pretty good.
Rudy's BBQ
Bone Daddy's, if you don't want to go to Hooter's
Antonio's on Jollyville
Kerbey Lane (I'm not a big fan but others are)
Mongolian Grille
BB Rovers, if you want a liquid lunch. Food's nothing special.
There used to be a little Vietnamese place right behind BB Rovers but I don't know if it's still there. Something's going in where Serrano's used to be; La Fiesta? haven't been there yet

Tea House (Vietnamese), on the other end from where Reale's is behind the Taco Cabana.

Glad to see some love for A La Carrera.
Freda's Seafood. Don't know if they're open for lunch. A bear to find - not even sure of the name of the road (might be Pecan Park?) that cuts between 183 and Lakeline Mall, kinda behind all the stuff where Saccone's is.

There used to be a Rosie's Tamale House up that way, I think by the HEB at Anderson Mill. I know it's no longer there but I can't remember what took it's place. Might be worth a shot.

Is that Luby's up there still open? LuAnn Platters and chairs with rollers - it doesn't get much better than that.
I didn't know there was a TacoDeli up here--definitely need to check that out! And yes, I could pretty much walk to the Water Tank from here, because our office is right across from the Red Barn!

Reale's is some good stuff, I need to get by there soon. And Hoover's is another place that I've been wanting to check out but have still never eaten there. I've heard nothing but great things about it, though. I also need to mention Rhinos and Jocks and their $3.95 burger and fries lunch special--burger is really good, but the last time we went it took over 40 minutes to get our food, even though it wasn't very busy, so we took them out of our rotation. We almost had to get to-go boxes and take our food back to the office with us, it took so damn long! (Bartender was very cute, though!)

Thanks for the suggestions!
I've never eaten at a Pei Wei, so I will have to check that out. I will say that a place to avoid it the Tres Amigos that is right there by that now-close Albertsons. Expensive and the food sucks--not a good combination!!
yeah -- the Tres Amigos is bad.
Pei Wei is good -- it is owned by PF Chang's. The food is very similar, just a little less expensive. You order at a counter and they bring the food to the table.
Sounds like $50 a week, or $200 a month. I'd rather only eat out occasionally and have a grand left over for:
(a) plane tickets to Europe
(b) LH foundation $
(c) a nice new TV
(d) retirement
(e) downpayment on a house, or car

My lunch is usually 2 cliff bars, one at 11am and another at 3pm. This makes me ready for the gym after work, is light on my wallet, and light on my ***. All that lunch sounds like your throwing your money away.
Ah, a thread-shitter!!!

Actually, sometimes I feel like I am wasting money, too, but a majority of the time our company picks up the lunches so it's not as much money out of my pocket as you would think.
Also, I would sure hate to be around Durkee if all he had to eat that day was a ****** lunch like two Clif bars. Damn you would be grumpy.

Clever, go check with a nutrtionist and your doctor about your eating selections. I adore Clif bars and they are a great product. But they are not intended nor good for meal replacement or nutrition base. There are a host of other things that are better for you to eat that will better prepare your body for pre and post workout. Just saying.

If you have insurance, seriously, hit up a nutritionist.

Durkee. If you are over by 183 and Burnett for some reason, over in the direction of Benihana's is Pars Deli. They have wonderful Persian kabobs.
Another vote for Reale's. I used to live in Cedar Park and went there quite a bit. Really great food and good service.

Also, try Mesa Rosa on Anderson Mill Rd -- great Tex Mex. Jardin Corona is good too.

For pizza, you can't beat Saccone's.

And if you are up for driving a little further out (183 & 1431), try J&J's Barbecue. It's a hidden gem.
OK, the idea of eating at this place has me weirded out a little, but my boss wants to go eat at "Steak Night" at the Water Tank??? Anybody been there for food before??

I'm sorta scared.
I have eaten at the SkankTank a few times and it wasn't bad. Haven't tried the Steak Nite but it is always packed for it.

You must work by my divorce lawyer. Say hi to Malcom for me.
I didn't mean to thread ****, it comes natural. If you can bill your company, then going to lunch is totally worth it. I just think its common for young professionals to go out for lunch every day, not realizing that the money adds up. Trust me, I too am a yuppie. The transition from poor college/grad student to decently paid professional is a weird one. Suddenly you have pocket money, but less time. It naturally leads to spending money hanging out with friends whereas before you could just pick up a 6 pack for $4.99 and play video games all afternoon. Money substitutes for time.

As for cliff bars... I do use them as a meal replacement even though people say not too. Hey, its 500 calories with some good nutrition. Lables make calorie counting possible, eating out throws a wrench in watching your diet. Who doesn't slam an entire basket of chips and salsa before eating a meal? That's a lot of oil going somewhere. Going out every day can negatively impact your gut. That's the thing about becoming a yuppie. Your metabolism starts slowing just as you finally have the money to eat out every day. Its a double whammy.
I second Tino's.

Tin Star is open on McNeil now. Heard it isn't bad.
Salsaritas on Parmer
Thomas Super Buffet near Fry's is okay sometimes.
And of course, the A1 burger at Whataburger on Parmer/McNeil!
I'm gonna have to check Tino's out, tho I'm not familiar with a lot of that kind of food. I was wondering what Tin Star was when we were leaving the Water Tank last night? What kind of place is it?
It's a Tex-Mex fast food type place. Tacos and whatnot. Dallas is filthy with them.

I'm not sure it's the place mentioned above or not, but the bbq place in the same shopping center with Sambet's has amazing turkey. Also, if you want to have an extremely quiet lunch, the Chinese food place there, Dynasty, is pretty good.

Also, go up and try the new Taqueria next to the Speedy Mart at Anderson Mill and Millwright and let me know how it is. I've been curious, but scared.