
Full disclosure....I am a middle aged white male moderate liberal.

OK, if the employees are telling the truth (and that is a big IF), I can somewhat see their side. They are valued employees because they are bilingual and can communicate with the Spanish speaking only customers. A very common issue in retail. And presumably, Spanish is their first language and thus their language of choice. I can understand them not liking a policy of not being allow to speak their first language to other employees.

However, Whole Foods tells a different story....and I tend to believe them.
I boycott places all the time. If their prices are higher than somewhere else, if their service sucks or restaurants that the food sucks. But I don't ask anyone to go along with me and I am not much on joining anything especially a boycott of someplace I would go otherwise.
Those guys made a habit out of making fools of themselves in corpus in the 90's. Corpus was about 70% hispanic at the time and everyone got along really well. That didnt sit well with lulac so they insisted on going full retard with publicly demanding that any high profile city vacancy go to a hispanic or my favorite, that one of the local beauty pagents, be restricted to "hispanics only"

Then Selena died and it was time to make totall asses of themselves. One of my neighbors managed the neighborhood HEB. She said they walked in there with a list of items they wanted taken off the shelves because they sponsored the Howard stern show and he said some not so nice things about Selena after she died. She told them she was not authorized to remove items from the store and that they would have to contact corporate. They proceded to stand in front of the items in order to prevent people from buying them. Corporate told her not to throw them out because they didnt want a scene. After a couple of hours they lost interest and left. Lulac was successful in getting several grocery and convenience stores to remove gatorade from their shelves for several weeks. They even convinced a judge to issue an arrest warrant for stern for "disturbing the peace"
Amazing! But, not surprising. Can you imagine a Caucasian only pageant? No, I can't either nor would I support it. But, these clowns get by with it. And, as Deez pointed out earlier, they are more moderate than some of their fellow race-based organizations. The only reason these people have any "standing" in the community is because of their minority status. Too many people are afraid to call them out on their prejudicial agenda. It's time we lump all race-based organizations together and see them for what they are - trash. It beats me how any Hispanic can speak out against racism, promote equal opportunity and equality, encourage a color blind society, yet support groups like lulac and la raza. Hypocrisy seems to be a good explanation.

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