i didn't see the quote of 400,000 jobs created in the article, but i will take your word for it.
Regardless, i don't think the article necessarily shows the cause and affect you are trying to show. One could argue the workforce that will be paid much more cheaply than in America might be a more determining factor for the move than lower corporate taxes.
lowering the tax rate for Apple in America is not going to bring plants back here to be built and when they still have to pay living American wages to the workers in these plants.
This plant would never have been built in the United States. As long as we have a demand for cheap electronics and such , it will not happen here because of the high wages. it works for many industries. i have a friend opening a plant in costa rica because he can pay the workers $2.00 per hour instead of $15 here. it is the reality of the global economy and the desire for cheap goods and the removal of tarriffs. however, what jobs that could be created in the united states are also leaving and really already left because of the high taxes and regulations. the day of the low skilled labor job in this country is over and unfortunately, our school system is not preparing the youth of this country for high skill jobs. at our current rate, we will be nothing more than a banana republic in about 25 years as the wealthy and educated get a bigger piece of the pie.