G George Best 25+ Posts May 30, 2008 #1 FromThe Link QUOTE TO NOTE: "He's like a golf ball in high grass: Lost." -- Seahawks Defensive coordinator John Marshall on the technique work that fourth-round draft pick Red Bryant needs.
FromThe Link QUOTE TO NOTE: "He's like a golf ball in high grass: Lost." -- Seahawks Defensive coordinator John Marshall on the technique work that fourth-round draft pick Red Bryant needs.
H horngrad03 250+ Posts May 30, 2008 #2 Yeah, aggy. That must mean he's flawless as a player. He was a stud aginst t u. Can you seriously not acknowledge the notion that maybe he didn't receive the coaching and development he needed under Fran? Oh wait, I forgot. Again, he played on a team that beat Texas.
Yeah, aggy. That must mean he's flawless as a player. He was a stud aginst t u. Can you seriously not acknowledge the notion that maybe he didn't receive the coaching and development he needed under Fran? Oh wait, I forgot. Again, he played on a team that beat Texas.
Texas Taps 5,000+ Posts May 30, 2008 #3 He may be lost now, but I'm sure he'll find a job at Burger King
O Orange Salad Ranch 250+ Posts May 30, 2008 #7 Yes, we must all bow down to the 7-6 Texas A&M football team.
R royalewithcheeze < 25 Posts May 30, 2008 #8 Still can't believe he was drafted after repping 225 (19) times. I see FranTITS and ()arnell's foosball education is starting to show....
Still can't believe he was drafted after repping 225 (19) times. I see FranTITS and ()arnell's foosball education is starting to show....