Looking for the best cleaners in Austin


100+ Posts
All right, I'm spent and stumped.

After gettin fed up with Jack Brown and their overpriced, rude service and messed up shirts...I'm moving.

Who uses what and where not to go.
Reid's always does a great job with our stuff. The prices are about the same as Jack, better service, and if you live up north, you're close enough ot their plant that you can get same-day service.
you'll also pay double at Reid's. They just make you feel better about their jacked up prices by giving you those little stamp things.
i use duval cleaners. I don't know why, guess cuz they're close. They lost my clothes for 5 months and still insisted that I pay for it.
Agree about Reid's. Can be pricey but they rarely screw up and when they do, they'll fix it for free AND apologize. Always friendly and courteous.

Town & Country on S. Congress is also good.

Jack Brown is ***.
I have been using Ivory cleaners on MLK at Rio Grande for about 8 years. Good prices (because mostly students go there), and great service.

Reids wont lose your **** with that tracking software that they use, but they are so expensive.
I use Reid's on anything nice, and if I could find a comet close by I'd use it. Otherwise, I use Rick's for most of my stuff (I hate to do laundry, and I hate ironing even more) and sweat it out every time. I don't trust them, but they're so cheap I somehow justify it to myself.