Looking for Golden Retreiver Puppies...

That can get pretty expensive if your "undercover" puppy gets discovered by the staff of your complex! Also, since most properties won't accept a puppy, you might be forced to get rid of it if it gets found, which would really, really suck! Goldens are also bigger than most places will accept.

Not to rain on your parade, though! Just trying to let you know what to expect if you get caught!
Depends on the property, but you can usually expect to pay about $300-$400 for a pet deposit, and half of that is usually non-refundable. Some properties also charge "pet rent" on top of that, which I think is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard of, and that will run about $10 a month.

Pet Rent! That is so retarded!

It makes sense, the pet rent, because the landscaping is more likely to get peed and pooped on and eaten and so forth, the carpet is more likely to be soiled, the air ducts are more likely to have hair and dust in them, there is a higher chance of others beiing bothered by barking, and so forth and so on.

I personally think it is not right to have a big dog in a small apartment, especially a young dog with a lot of energy and curiosity. Maybe when the dog is mature and established, but not while the dog is growing up. It needs a yard to run around in.
I just don't agree with charging a $600 deposit, knowing you're going to keep at least half, and then another amount of pet rent in addition. As far as having large dogs in an apartment, I agree with you totally, but I might have a place for Big Leonard where he would have a yard for the dog if he hasn't already found something on his own!