I went to their tickets section and played around with the ticket selector...after getting to the individual game section and clicking on the Texas game, the screen will pop up with two options- you want the 'select price range' choice and not the 'best available.'
when it asks for neighborhood, select 'lower level.'I didn't find aything except corner seats in the Court Level on price range so I then looked at Mezzanine for that option. The third drop-down box will then show what sections have available seats. Section 122 is directly behind the bench. $14 per seat and then the handling fees (they even hit for the fee if you select e-ticketing which I thought was really a crappy way of doing things, but they aren't alone in that).
My guess is that the same process could be used on the Baylor site- it is part of what I have done with other road games. On non-conference games, I also had a tendency to call the ticketing offices directly and inquire about anything they have that might not have been released to the ticketing web operations. Some schools will have the equivalent to our courtside club where some seats haven't been sold...Big12 schools tend not to be as forthcoming with those seats though even when it means more money for them...
122 Row L is popping up for single seats right now and the same row popped up if I changed to two seats.