Local kicker Justin Garelick

That's Right

500+ Posts
I believe that's his name. Pflugerville's kicker. Went to one game his year and every single kickoff was a touchback out of the end zone. He made 2 kickoffs through the uprights from BOTH sides of the field. 2 from each side. Also read in the Pflugerville paper that every kickoff for him this year has been a touchback. Anybody know if he's going D-1?
Very impressed with his leg strength at the HS level. Have not seen much of his field goal ability, but his kick-offs are amazing. UT has quite a few successful, scholarship kickers, but I'd take this guy - he is a game changer for special teams.
It's UT. Get it right, especially on our board.

Well, but they beat Westlake 21-14 last Friday. He had 2 field goals, one from 45, and an extra point = 7 points = Margin of Victory. With 2 of the best H.S. runners in the state back to receive the kickoff with 0:50 left in the game the kick out of the end zone sure did make a difference in what Westlake was looking at to get a score at the end!!!

Mack hasn't offered a high school kicker a scholarship in many years. He seems to invite a bunch of walkons, and let them earn it. I think a few years ago he got a transfer kicker, that was supposed to be awesome, but didn't pan out. I doubt he would give a shcolarship to this guy, but maybe he will invite him to walk on.

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