live music?


500+ Posts
i can't remember the last time that i saw a live act in austin. i went to san antonio/helotes last week to watch charlie robison at floores. saw roger creager at gruene hall a few weeks back. saw honeybrowne at gruene hall as well. saw jack ingram at floores in jan. & robert earl at floores over christmas.

it seems the only time that i see live music in austin is at the broken spoke.

what's up with that? i listen to robert earl, jack ingram, charlie, ... not a big pat green fan and i like cory morrow's singing and songwriting better but he grinds on me too.

my question is if austin is the live music capital of the world, why am i going to san antonio and new braunfels to watch live music???

i have emailed the charlie, jack & robert earl sites about when they are going to austin again for stubbs and they just don't have them on their schedule. i saw robert earl at stubbs last i think in fall 2000. it's been a long time...

How is Helotes County Store? I've been thinking about seeing a concert over there...Just wondering if it's worth the trip. I'm in east texas.

I've been to Gruene Hall many times. How does it compare to Helotes?

Austn is by no means the capital of live music. No way, no how. It is actually lacking compared to many cities larger or smaller. Just the sad facts of what happens when people move in downtown and want it quiet or when rents raise thru the roof. Chains come in and "dives" move out. Austin's legit music scene, R.I.P.

There is still music but not anywhere near as much. How nice that the music ban is not in effect when SXSW is going on. How interesting and expected that when the city wants millions, they don't have the rule. Other times for local owners...suck it. Hey downtown dwellers...why the **** did you move there? 'Cause it was cool and happening? Well, it isn't any longer. So move away to another state and give us Austin back.
The Live Music Capital of the World ******** is just 15 year-old drivel inaccurately spouted out by the local DJs, Chamber of Commerce and City Council, the latter of which has been most instrumental in destroying what was once a great musical town. It's such a joke.
considering that a lot of time, being a great music town is a leading indicator of a city becoming a cool place to live, what towns across the country are today's great live music towns?

If anyone says dallas, i am going to stand outside your house and play a "best of Jackie Martling" cd.
97...all those guys usually play larger scenes in smaller towns (think Gruene, Helotes, Sangere)

If they come to Austin, they're lines out the door because there are not places large enough to fill all the fans, without breaking out into a huge concert.

The fans that want to see them drive to whever they are. You can still ctach them occiasionally at Antone's/Stubb's in Austin or the Backyard.

REK played at the Austin Music Hall on New Year's Eve.

On all music fronts...Austin is still fairly good. Alot of good quality small bands. The problem is that Denton, not Austin, has had more major players breakout.
Outside of parole restrictions?

The erosion of the music scene is not a biggie. It's just funny when it's made out to be something it isn't, like CLoopy pointed out. Yeah, it's easy to rail on the city's growth and its whacked infrastructure, especially for those of us who grew up here. But even then, there are still many good things about being in Austin, especially south Austin. And thos things are probably too often taken for granted, I'll give you that.
big longhorn:

i have varied music tastes. i enjoy watching live bands every once in a while at saxon pub & antones, even bands that i don't know of. but my favorite genre is folk/regional country of which i find myself going to places like gruene & floores more often than in austin. as for the rodeo, i have seen REK at the rodeo years ago and it is amazing how much the venue makes the performance. watching REK indoors at floores with 600 people crammed in is much different than watching him at the rodeo with 10,000.
