

Anyone here found any value to

I'm interested in hearing any insights into it. Seems like it could be a decent networking community if you spend some time with it.
I maintain my network, but I haven't had to use it. I've had two job leads come from my profile, but wasn't interested in either one.

It might be interesting to have a group (sans the user names and internet persona's).
Twitter is an odd social networking system. It's network of people who consistently update their "status" as to what they are doing. Imagine getting a text on your phone every 5 min: Jerry is blending a smoothie. Jerry is readingThe Link Jerry is driving to work.....yada yada. Seems like a great way to get a **** load of spam (I see a huge marketing angle) and do nothing productive, but then I might be missing something.

LinkedIn is like Facebook for professionals. No family pics, no party pics, just a network of professionals with a brief version of their resumes. It's a great way for recruiters to find personnel, or sales folks to find a way into a company.
LinkedIn is not a bad way at all to network. I don't keep my up as much as I should, but I did have two people contact me through LinkedIn in regards to decent jobs.

I think it is worth taking a look at and building up a profile. It won't hurt any and can improve your networking circle. Also, it is pretty easy to figure out.
LinkedIn is a great tool to network. I have met many great people and have been able to get access to others I would have never thought imagineable. There are great groups to join on there as well.
I use it for some social and business networking but I was also able to connect with my state congressman and so when I am ready to ***** about something I send him a direct note. I try not to do that too often though.

Instead of a ******** boilerplate reply he sends me personal responses.

Its also good for finding vendors. Instead of blindly choosing someone from the web or worse yet yellow pages (still exist?) I ask some of the connections for advice and references. That works both ways too my friend!

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