Lie, cheat and cry to win


2,500+ Posts
I know it's a little late for this but that is basically what hillary did in New Hampshire. She realized she was gonna get her *** handed to her by Obama and she decided crying would probably show her "human" side. And disgustingly, it worked.

I had a hard time believing that the Clintons would do anything to win (a la GW with his lies about McCain in 2000) but now I do. If she is the nominee I'll either vote for McCain or Huckabee (Romney is imo the male Hillary) and the dems will lose another winnable presidential election.
I haven't seen many politicians who won't do whatever it takes to win.

Look at the swift boating of John Kerry, the disgraceful treatment of John McCain in South Carolina 8 years ago, the ******** that went on against Max Cleland etc...
Did she actually cry? Her voice cracked, but I don't think she shed a tear. Is characterizing that as "crying" a tactic used by someone willing to do anything to win?

And does her voice cracking fit with the examples given above?

Get some perspective. Hate Hillary all you want, but don't try to bend reality to feed your habit.
I'd take Hillary over Switzer any day of the year.

There would have to be a massive **** up for the Dems to lose this one!

If Clinton is nomiated, it will be an uphill battle for her to win.