Libya to use sharia law


From AP
"-- Libya's transitional leader declared his country's liberation on Sunday, three days after the hated dictator Moammar Gadhafi was captured and killed.
The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar," or God is Great. He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks."

Depending on how strictly sharia law will be followed this might not be good news for the Libyan women. However it is their country.

WE, the rest of the world might have hoped for a freer form of government.After Egypt this should come as no surprise.
This is the problem with being the police of the world. You cannot change those people. They have thousands of years of culture and history that predicate how they act and think.

Let them handle themselves. And dont support dictators......
The oppression of Christians in Egypt has gone from very bad (under Mubarrack) to very much worse in the current climate. They basically have no rights.
What do you think is the most powerful poltical faction in Egypt now is? On what are their core beliefs based?

As Shiner pointed out the Christians are being murdered in Egypt now. Why do you think that is?

It is each country's right to choose whatever form they wish. hat doesn't mean it will go well for certain groups in a country( examples:Women, Christians, Jews, Homosexuals)

It would be stupid to deny that.
What are you talking about? Egypt has not implemented Sharia.

you are right, they are simply enforcing it regardless of the law on the books.
Hey, man - it's their country, they can do it the way they want, as far as I'm concerned. I don't have to like it, but it isn't my home, either.

If you believe the Michell Bachmans of the world's historic take on the founding of our own country - can you imagine what the middle-easterners must have been saying?: "GASP!! - Those heathens are going to base their government on the Bible!!!
That is exactly what I posted as well. It is their country and htey can run it anyway they choose.

Howver it is purely stupid to compare sharia law with our laws. We don't murder our women if they get raped and we don't kill people jidt becasue they are of other religions
Enough wasting our young peopel and our treasure for folks who'd rather live in the 6th century. If the "moderate" muslims want to live freely, then they should struggle for those rights.

The only factor that will be of concern to us is in a post 9/11 world. will these arab spring islamists continue a culture of hating America, more important HARMING america. I think at some point, if that is ineed the case, the U.S. govt will make it clear to the entire muslim world. For one attack inside the united states, one holy site in mecca, medina, iranian holy places, iraqi holy places will be turned into glass.

I believe the American people are tired of being sh!tted upn by these degenerates. To add to the existing economic hardships, yahoos bent of jihad will not get any mercy from a populace that is no mood to tolerate it.
The above sounds like a hawkish position, like what a liberal would call a neocon position (Note I personally believe that a neocon position is the idea that everyone wants freedom over tyranny if given the choice). Anyway, I think turning a muslim holy site into glass is going way too far. You should have stopped after the first paragraph.

When a terrorist blows up St. Peters in the Vatican, then go after Mecca. Well, that would be a better analogy anyway.....

And secondly, you continue to adhere to this idea that they hate.... what do they hate us for? What do you honestly believe they hate us for?

People dont go out of their way to attack a country half a world away because they dont like how that country lets women run around half naked...... Its not that simplistic.
No Roger, you are wrong.

You say it doesnt matter what their grievances are and that it is crazy to try and understand it.... That is the problem. People just dont want to understand.

It has absolutely nothing to do our freedoms or our way of life. Nothing at all. It has everything to do with our meddling. You promote turning them into glass and parking lots....

They dont care what you and I do over here. They really truly dont.
Hoping a people would want freedom in no way equates to us thinking they will have a form of government like ours.
You can keep saying that is what We who hope for freer forms of government for the ME countires but you'd still be wrong.Freer forms of gov't mean among other things letting all citizens vote and not fomenting hatred for Us and Israel

Sharia law is really repressive for many of the people who have to live under it, repressive to the point of death.
WE can only hope as countries like Tunesia aand now Libya will grow out of sharia law as more young webthingie savvy people grow up and take over, resulting in hopefully keeping the better parts of sharia and ending the 6th century parts.

I wish I felt more optimistic about Egypt
maybe it doesn't mean that to you but it does to many, including me.
Seeing the women vote in Iraq is seeing how a free gov't works.

Which US citiznes. other than convicted felons in some states can not vote?
maybe it doesn't mean that to you but it does to many, including me.

No, it doesn't mean that to hardly anybody except you.

You overreach with your arguments, to the detriment of your points. Stop taking silly stances and put some thought behind what you write. Nobody who thinks about the issue at all will say that a freer form of govt means having all citizens vote. We've never had a time in the US when all citizens could vote. And we never will. So, stick with what's reasonable, not something that you either don't understand, or don't put much thought into.

And we're (you, at least) talking about a "freer" govt, not a "free" govt. There's a big difference. But in terms of having all citizens vote? You're an island of one on that issue.
An island of 1?

a tad egotistic aren't you?

Take iraq for instance. Who was not allowed to vote in the free elections is Iraq? Who was not allowed to vote in Tunesia?
and answer the question
Which citiznes in USA except convicted felons in some states can't vote?
Tunesia? Is that some kind of new iPod thingie?

Do you want me to make a list of all US citizens who cannot vote? Is that the sort of remedial hand-holding you require?

Look, to be blunt, your statement was idiotic. You attempting to defend it is idiotic. All citizens? Sorry, no way. Do you know what "all" means? How about "citizens"? Do I need to define those words for you as well?

I will bet that nobody will agree with your stand. Nobody. Try to recruit some people.
Clearly you want to nitpick. Yes I did say all citizens even though even in our own country some citizens lose the right to vote when they are convicted and in some states they do not get the right back. In other instances in some states rightly or wrongly people that have been classified as mentally ill or retarded are not allowed to vote.
I am not sure denying convicted felons is equivalent to denying women the right.

but if your only point is to harp on the use of the word all citizens, I will go back and delete all and put in vast majority.

Once more time I hope Libya will not end up repressive but goes a more moderate route and allows a freer gov't , maybe like Turkey was or even Pakistan.
Women did vote under gaddafi. of course they could only vote for gaddafi
Well, there is a clear conceptual difference between "all" and "majority", despite the very sloppy use of it here. Also, it's not like I'm forcing y'all to misuse the mother tongue.

And, not even a "majority" (maybe you can help out by telling us majority means, since "all" clearly doesn't mean all) would agree that all US citizens should have the right to vote. It's a poorly thought-out idea (diplomatic for "stupid").
just another foreign policy win for obama. spike that football barack. it only cost US taxpayers a couple of billion. we appreciate such a wonderful use of our money to get a new radical islam government. this skidmark cannot be removed from office soon enough.

I am with Ron Paul on this one. Israel has hundreds of nukes. They have intelligence and military capabilities as advanced or more so than ours. They can take care of themselves.

Israel doesnt "need" the US for a thing. Maybe they did 40 years ago, but those days are long gone. They can take care of themselves.

The US has made its bed by its support of dictators and thugs in the Middle East for the past 60 years and we reap what we sow. Our support for Israel only exasperates the situation.

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