Let's talk superdelegates


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I know a lot of networks/insiders/journalists/know-it-alls are giving Hillary the superdelegate edge at the moment, but is it not true that these people can vote for whomever they want? How does anyone know how this vote will go? If the two candidates are tied after all of the primaries/caucuses couldn't the superdelegate swing the vote (or at least isn't that the going notion?)? Are these folks tied to any particular candidate with regards to how the states voted? Please enlighten me. I want to be informed.
no one has a good count on who has more at this point

no news outlet seems to agree

some sites like CBS have Obama with the overall lead even including super delegates...not just Pledged which he already leads in

I think that some of the ones for Hillary or undecided could easily end up going to Obama if he keeps on this track...has the delegate lead when that comes time...and still keeps the momentum. Hillary will get her share but overall in terms of the majority...if Obama looks to be the guy who can actually win the nomination...I think they will end up favoring who has the best chance to get the democratic party in the white house and that is Obama. just IMO.
The super's talk to the candidate's campaign staff with some regularity, and indicate the direction they are leaning. My understanding is they are not obligated to vote one way or the other until the convention, which means they are always up for grabs. That said, the reason why the delegates lean to Clinton is that she is a known quantity, they've worked with her before. Because of that, I believe many of the delegates aren't going to swing to Obama until they feel like they have to. Hillary is expecting to sweep Texas, Ohio and Penn. If she does, then I don't think she'll lose any Supers. If she doesn't, then I think you will start seeing some Super's start backing the perceived "winner".
This is actually a good year for the superdelegate concept. It's like a built in "adult supervision" mechanism. They can keep the Dems from nominating that left wing Warren Harding that's all the rage amongst the Democrat hoi polloi these days.
Let's also do that with general election. Maybe that would have prevented the Bush presidency. Who needs democracy ...

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