Lawyer keys Marine Sgt's car


I didn't see anything on this. This Ill lawyer, jay Grodner, keyed a car with marine license plates.

How pathetic.
Be against the war, hate Bush, protest all you want but don't take your hate out on someone vehcile.
At least the lawyer was made to admit he did it, then forced to pay a fine to a Marine Corps fund and to do some kind of service once a month for a year.
The Judge was not amused.

:Illinois Supreme Court Document
yes it was a private car
don't know why the link doesn't work
but he keyed the Marine's private vehcile which had personalized plates that ID'd the care as belonging to a Marine

ironically enouigh this same Grodner commited voter fraud in 1984 and was disbarred.
let me try the link again
PDF:Illinois Supreme Court Document
I know this might be going a little too far...but wouldn't this kind of be a hate crime? He did it because the man who owned the car was a Marine.
Your instincts on this scumbag lawyer are spot on
he didn't just lightly scratch the Marine's car( the marine was being deployed to Iraq next month.)

This is from a John Kass column i Trib Jan 03
"It is a big scratch, a particularly long scratch in that black paint, a scratch stretching from the rear driver's side around the back, across the trunk, then up to the passenger's side."

" I wanted to get Grodner's side of it because he's been accused but not convicted of anything. ( MY note, he has since pled guilty) So we called all the Grodner numbers we could find -- home and business -- including those on the police report and others in the suburbs and Chicago. Many were disconnected, and his cell phone voice mail was full.

I'd like to ask him two questions:


And, are you proud?"

The Sgt was on his way to a friend's( Mr. Sullivan) house>
He pulled up in front of his friend's house, rang the bell and Sullivan came downstairs. McNulty then turned around and saw Grodner's hands on his black car.

"Mike says, 'Hey, what are you doing to my car? Open up your hand!'" Sullivan told us. "And [Grodner] goes, '[Blank] you! Just because you're in the military you don't run the roost!'"

This scumbag lawyer got off easy but I hope he looks over his shoulder for awhile.
After reading it, I am very surprised that Grodner did not receive a thrashing. That Sgt. is going to receive a very nice civil judgement.
Just to be clear
the column I quoted ( note quotation marks) was an Opinion column written by John Kass for the Tribune.
Hint. opiinion columns are biased.

The term" scumbag lawyer" is my term and I would use it
again. This scumbag lawyer has a long and sordid history in Chicago including voter fraud and client fraud.

We have many fine honorable attorneys who post on Hornfans.This scumbag lawyer isn't fit to shine their most likely expensive handmade boots.
Yah, these days of television demagoguery have turned me off opinion pieces. It just makes my eyes roll when the author's prejudice is so glaring, but I guess that is the point.

Also, by the third column on the topic it had already been established that Grodner is a douchebag (my term) so Kass probably feels less obliged to present a balanced account.
YOu say douchebag, I say scumbag and his last name is still Gardner.

I have to ask tho:
whose editorial/ opinion columns in any major newpaper are Inbiased?
( notice No scumbsag reference)
Yes he was disbarred in 94 but he must have been " rebarred" since he seems to have offices in two cities and seems to be registered with the Ill bar

ostrich uh, how many ostriches did you have to sneak up while their lib heads were in the sand?
I let you do the chasing, dog. I bill by the hour.

Horn6721--I was unaware that he had been reinstated. However, for bringing the profession into disrepute, I suspect (and hope) he might get called before the Bar Association again.
Where's it say he's been rebarred and that he's in good standing?

99% of the time, being disbarred is the end, finale, fine. Only under the most rare of circumstances can one be allowed to gain their license back.

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