Latest Poll Has McCain Leading Rudy in Fla


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McCain 22, Giuliani, 20, Huckabee, 19, Romney, 19. Essentially a four way statstical tie. What does this say about Rudy? he has spent the past two months in Florida (while no one else has been there). He presumably has a loyal following of retired New Yorkers present in the state. Yes, the entire GOP field has caught him.

I think that even a razor thin win, given his advantages, will be spun as a loss. He will win N.Y. and N.J. on 2/5, but California is a proportional delegate state. All four candidates will probably split the delegates from California, leaving not much a delegate advantage to any of them. If Mitt wins in Michigan (latest polls show him slighly ahead) -- then this will stay a four way battle royal and each of the four candidates has a geographic advantage to exploit on Super Tuesday. This thing is FAR from over.
i don't think the r's want to choose a nominee anyway until after the d's have one. sort of like in a college overtime game, choosing to go on defense first to see what your offense needs to to when it's their turn.

i think a different candidate is needed to defeat hillary than for obama.

it could be that the money won't roll into the R coffers until the D's have their nominee. then maybe it becomes a contest between the r candidates of who can raise the most money to defeat whoever the d's put up.

texas curl,

ah, the old greg davis political strategy, eh?
I'm pulling for Rudy, but if he bites the dust I'll switch to McCain. Six months ago I thought Romney was my second choice but he is entirely too calculating for my tastes.
I lived in the NYC area throughout the Dinkins / Guiliani era. I have always liked Rudy. That being said he's been running a terrible campaign. He's just been doing everything wrong.
I haven't been able to ascertain that he's doing anything in this campaign, right or wrong.

This is starting to turn into a brokered convention starter-kit. The only candidate who can really take control at this point is McCain.
Regardless of whether he wins Florida or not, he should not pull out. He will NY and NJ on Super Tuesday and both are winner take all states. Thus, he will get a large infusion of delegates from those two states. A long race favors Rudy as his star power can raise more money than any other candidate but Romney. Media needs to stop proclaiming certain races as each candidates "alamo."
That's exactly what I think we'll have if we nominate JM.
I agree. To me he is very similar to Lieberman. They both seem like nice, intelligent, soft spoken people. Neither are leaders.
Isn't it odd that they both have problems with their arm(s) from war injuries?
Not a chance in hell I would vote for McCain. I'll stay home on Election Day if he's our candidate.
Not a chance in Hell I would vote for Giuliani. Even IF he was running agaist Hillary.

G & Thompson need to get the Hell out of the race so the idiot Republicans can realise that there is no one that can hold the fractured party together and get someone viable (Colin Powell would be an automatic for me despite his UN speech b4 the war, but I'm certain there are a couple others) in this race before they hand the WH to the Clintons.

The Dems are about to nominate a person who 48% of the American public would NEVER vote and the RINO Party is STILL going to lose the election.

So I guess this upcoming ballot will be:


Not HIllary

That seems to be the choice that voters will make. The anti-hillary crowd is bigger than any pro-R-candidate crowd.

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