Lamarr Houston


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Lamarr Houston to return to lineup for arky
It is nice that he will play vs arky, but I am happier that he seems genuenly remoreseful for his actions. Hopefully he has learned his lesson and can move on with his life and the season.
I am just glad that he did not kill anyone. I was involved in what was a "minor accident" with a drunk driver on the interstate while in college. It was minor for him anyway, I was on a motorcycle, and ended up rolling about 200 feet down the upper deck of I-35, and was almost turned into hamburger meat by an 18 wheeler who had to lock up it's brakes to keep from hitting me.

The guy should feel bad. Drunk driving is stupid, very dangerous, and 100% preventable. Personally, I think they should bench his *** for 3+ games like he did for the guys who got into trouble last year. Mack gets paid to make these calls though and I trust him to do the right thing. I just hope the message gets though, finally, and it's the last one.

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