LA to use our money to renovate a yacht?


from CBS link
"LOS ANGELES (CBS) — With the city going broke you may be surprised to find out that Los Angeles is the proud owner of a million dollar yacht and it is about to undergo hundreds of thousands of dollars in renovations at taxpayer expense.

As the head of the Port of Los Angeles raced down the hall, they tried to block our camera and dodged our questions, not wanting to talk about a yacht owned by the port, which is a city agency.

But the mayor said that it is not what we think.

“It’s not a yacht. It’s a boat,” Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said.

But whatever you call it, the Angelena II is 73 feet long and worth about a million bucks — according to a boat broker we contacted — and it is all your money."The Link

the article goes on to explain they will use our taxpayer money BO is giving away to replace perfectly good diesel engines.

In better times this might be ok but it is not now
I am glad issa is investigating..
it is like these people don't care that their city is in trouble and the country is ib trouble
Thanks for pointing out the fact that we spend all kinds of stupid money that we don't have on stupid **** that we don't need.

This pales in comparison to sending a plane loaded with 12-15 billion dollars IN CASH flying into Iraq on a plane and then suddenly turning up missing, but it's always good to be reminded that our fiscal stupidity continues.
so because someone else was stupid that justfies this?

I am always amused by posters who keep score

That was then and it was WRONG
This is now and things are even worse

do you have a special ap that tracks things like this so you can jump right in and say But But But Bush did it too?
Were you here screaming it was wrong? If so, I must have missed those passionate pleas to restrain spending.

For the record, frivolous spending was wrong then and it's still wrong.
Issa should investigate himself...he's a ******* crook.

************ earmarked funds to improve/widen a road in Vista CA.

Just so happens the road in question happens to run right in front of a medical building...owned by Issa.
Look on the bright side, BO can add the diesel mechanic to the 6 jobs he's created since coming into office.

But the point is taken.....stupid spending is stupid spending whether its W's, O's or Issa's. We are royally fooked.
be sure to read Bronco's link
a stupid mistake but not lost funds

and for the record I was harshly bashing Bush admin for what at the time seemed like funds stolen and lost to us.
I did not support everything Bush did.

here is a clue for you BO supporters. Bush supporters did not and do not march in lockstep.

It is the sheer inanity of posters like you and BI who rush to jump in and post that " Bush did it too" as if it justifies bo being stupid

edit to correct Husler to Husker although he may be that too
I think a lot of the econmic troubles in this country come when folks use money that's easy to get at the expense of those to whom it was dear to get. Federal tax dollars pulled from folks working hard for what they earn buys free boat rides in LA for people likely as not could afford to pay for their excursions. Municipal governments everywhere use federal funds for stuff they would never buy with tax revenues they would have to have paid for with revenues they had to extract from their own residents. People with insurance take advantage of health care options they would never fund from their own pockets, even if they could afford it.
we . nearly all of us, have agreed Bush did stupid things
so why did you even bring Bush up ??
What does Bush's stupidity 8 years ago have to do with what bo is doing NOW??
you seem to be one of the first to jump in with a Bush did it too although roger 35 and pharm are right behind you
perhaps we would do well to focus on what is heppening NOW. Try it
You do realize that anyway that LA pays for the lot comes out of everyone's pocket. If they receive $1 of Federal money it adjusts the entire budget structure.

If the Fed gives them $1 to use for Kevlar vests for police, that moves money from the PD budget to another budget.

Governments do not shrink budgets or not spend, they move that money into other areas.

Not sure if that came across as intended but I tried.

Seriously do you have ANY reading comprehension? or do you just jump right in to make yourself look stupid..

Did you even rad the post? clearly not since you posted
"Why should I in Austin care about a Los Angeles city asset that Los Angeles residents are financing? "

or are you so stupid as to not know stimulus money came from Federal taxpayers?
Good Lord

here , from my OP
"the article goes on to explain they will use our taxpayer money BO is giving away to replace perfectly good diesel engines.
and here is link
The Link
notice the CBS headline?
"Taxpayer Money Used To Maintain Million-Dollar Yacht"

of course if you aren't a taxpayer I can see you wouldn't care
We should care about LA spending because the rest of America will be bailing out Cali in 10 years or less. What they are spending now will be included in the debt we pay tomorrow.

I agree with the original point that it is a perfect example of fiscal irresponsibility plain and simple.

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