Kingsbury's last game at Tech?


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I visited with a stranger in an upscale Tech polo shirt last Saturday. He said rumor is
Tech doesn't have the cash to buy out Kingsbury. I told him there are worse fates
than having to keep a bright young coach with exceptional quarterback development skills who is showing progress on defense this year.
a local tv station, KCBD, had their sports anchor on last night and showed part of his interview with Mike Leach--he asked Leach if he would consider coming back to tceh, and all of Lubbock is just giddy because "he didn't say no!"
Pullman is not exactly in Washington State's most beautiful location... but geographically it is quite superior to Lubbock.
This will not be Kingbury's last game at Tech. I'm sure the school will provide him with complementary tickets to any game he wants next year.

Tech did not fire him last year because they didn't have the money. This year the amount is less and is available, plus a couple of Leach disciples are available.
I'm not sure he would take the job. He's been very selective so far. I;m thinking more along the lines of Seth Littrell or Chad Morris. Littrell has done a great job in Denton. Morris not so much.
It would be awesome if TTU stole Chad Morris out from under the ags while they were pursuing the pipe dream of a Jimbo Fisher, Chip Kelly, et al.
Littrell's schtick wouldn't work at SMU. He's too hard-nosed and the frat boys at SMU wouldn't last long under his regimen. Letting them be that way worked initially for June Jones, and then he let it spiral out of control where he had literally no players left when he quit.
Re the op, that's nonsense. The money for KK's buyout has long been in place. His buyout is to be paid in three increments so it's not even a major barrier.

Lots of names being tossed about. Neal Brown, Seth Littrell, Mike Leach, Sonny Dykes, etc. Bruce Feldman and Kirk Bohls add Brent Venables and Justin Fuentes into the mix due to their close relationship with Kirby Hocutt.

Don't see much support for Cumbie. Too much like a rehire of KK.
Part of me wants to compare this situation to Gundy at Ok State, but Kliff hasn’t shown a will to learn from the past. The juice is completely out of the football program up here. Ever since Leach left, the program has been in a steady decline towards complete apathy. Tech went for the nostalgia choice in Kliff, and it backfired. Time to move on.
Too much like a rehire of KK

One major difference - Sonny doesn't have "zipper issues".

I want Tech to hire Ken Hance as HC, with the promise that HEB is a sponsor, and everyone gets free tortillas to throw at him. In fairness, everyone has to bring their own rolls of quarters and nickles.
The money for KK's buyout has long been in place.

Please define "long". It wasn't there in the spring, and certainly not this time last year. Tech should demand that the two biggest pieces of **** to walk across the High Plains pony up most of the cash. I'm sure little bagboy Hance and Craig James have reasons why they can't write a check.

Part of me wants to compare this situation to Gundy at Ok State, but Kliff hasn’t shown a will to learn from the past. The juice is completely out of the football program up here. Ever since Leach left, the program has been in a steady decline towards complete apathy. Tech went for the nostalgia choice in Kliff, and it backfired. Time to move on.
As previously stated, I suspect many Tech fans are sad and nostalgic for Leach.

IDK, most I know are as delusional as Aggy. They drop aggy type history and logic on you and not blink an eye.
My son goes to Tech and he wants Les Miles. I think that is a fantastic idea and would be kind of like when they got Bobby Knight for bball. It's a big name that gets you instant cred. Sadly I don't hear his name mentioned anywhere on this deal.
Thats a good comparison - Les/Knight.

Agree, that would be instant cred. Not sure he could convince enough stud athletes to come to Lubbock, but they could do a lot worse than Les.
Les Miles is the best name I have heard WRT to the Tech job, it makes total sense, which means they will not consider it. We don't call em sand aggies for nothing.