Kim Jong-Un - little man's syndrome?

People in shackles are poor economic producers. North Korea thinks it's unseemly to beg for aid, so it's playing the tough guy and trying hard to negotiate for increases in international aid and a reduction in sanctions.

Reminds me of the story of the horrid little boy told that if he didn't improve his behavior Santa would bring no presents. He tried for half a day to keep up appearances, but when his parents were asleep, he snuck out of his room, down to the Nativity scene and stole the statue of Mary, wrapped it in paper and hid it in his sock drawer.

Then he turned over to the back of a letter he was writing to Santa and started a new one "Dear Jesus -- if you ever want to see your mother again tell Santa too .....
I always kinda liked Truman. The Korean was was costly and hard fought and I think a free South Korea is enormously beneficial to the world. Freeing all of Korea would have been awfully costly with China willing to devote millions of soldiers.
Crazy Dictator Jr. could reek havoc on our nation if NK could muster enough of a bomb to set off an EMP and fry most of our electrical grid along with most communications.

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