Keystone and or Payroll


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So President Obama says that keeping the Payroll tax rate and unemployment create more jobs than the Keystone pipeline will?

Now you liberals make fun of Perry and Bachman, so to be fair, this has to be one of the stupidest things ever said!!!

I ask you one question Mr. President, you told us that you were "laser beamed" focused on jobs, Why not do both? The hated Republican Empire has soft served you a chance to add almost 10,000 jobs immediately, and I heard, can't rememember up to 100,000 jobs over the first 5 years.

No which politician says the stupidest things, this one is in the running for all time dumbest things ever said!!!
Whatever she thinks, I am down for the opposite.

Her world view is one of Socialism, not Capitalism, she wants to goverment to control every decision in my world, I enjoy my freedom.

She is an idiot that knows next to nothing.
Keystone means jobs and energy -- two things the country needs badly. The payroll tax cut is an accounting trick. Hey, if you like accounting tricks, you must have loved Enron.

I have no idea whehter Obama is correct or not, but I would be interested in a credible analysis. Perhaps you are correct that it is not even a close call. Can you provide a link or citation for your position? Thanks in advance.
As soon as President Obama can show us how he figures the Payroll Tax Cut and Unemployment checks creates jobs, I would be glad to cite a source. While he is at that can he show us how his Saves Jobs formula works?

As far as him saying that, well you had to have watched the news last week. I saw it on CBS.
One big issue I have with the payroll tax issue is being highlighted by the way it's being framed now by Dems (and the Reps agree). It's being decried as a "tax increase on working families and the middle class"...

The problem is that SS was going to be massively underfunded WITHOUT this cut. While the cut itself won't be THAT damaging, both parties - led by the Dems right now - have boxed themselves in with regard to reinstating the original tax at a later time...when either side tries to do that to stop SS insolvency, they will be attacked for the very thing the Dems are arguing now...this just makes it harder for any real solution to SS to be put forth.
Ag with Kids: I agree with you. I also think your reasoning can be applied to the marginal income tax cuts passed under the Bush administration. Change it from social security being underfunded to all government obligations being underfunded, and you end up with the same dilemma.
Not speculating, you can read any article on Keystone. An article that came out today has an immediate job increase of 5000 to 20000 in direct jobs. US State department says 5000 the company that is actually in charge says 20000. In direct or support jobs at 120,000. Do you need a link to Google?

Unlike the Glorious President and yourself, I am not speculating, I am taking my source from a liberal news agency called CNN.

So I need two things from you:

1.) How does the President come up with his figures that Unemployment benefits and the Payroll Tax cut increases jobs, please help me understand how this great man can say this with a straight face?
2.) If they are both job creators, why not do both?
I’m not sure I follow your argument, but it appears you are saying (1) the keystone pipeline will create jobs and (2) you do not believe that it is possible that the payroll tax will create anywhere near the number of jobs as the pipeline project. On the first point, you have credible evidence. On the second, you appear to be on shakier ground, or at least have not presented anything beyond your opinion that this is “one of the stupidest things ever said.”

As for your questions:
In reply to:

While the number of jobs created can be argued, I am just as concerned, or moreso, about the barrels themselves and where they go. Creating jobs from this project are just as important as where the oil ends up and who uses it.

If the Keystone project gets stalled, competitor EnBridge has purchased P/L that goes between the NYMEX hub in Cushing down to the Houston ship channels. They're going to reverse lines to help ease storage volumes in Cushing and get barrels down to the Gulf in order to sell off volume at discounted rates to Brent.

If the Keystone project isn't a go and production volume estimates remain strong, I'm worried about where the oil will go. I know that TransCanada says it'll still go to US refineries, but if they don't have transporting capacity, it'll have to go somewhere else, which would negate the political capability of this oil play. Even small percentages of overall supply can add up over time, and if you believe that Arab Peak Oil is on the downslope, this crude could become more advantageous down the road.
More stupid Democrat sayings: Senator Boxer from California says the House bill will cause 8000 more deaths a year, more heart attacks, and more cases of asthma.

There is some language about Big Boilers being manufactured in the USA but she spouts off these ridiculous stats.

What a great time to be a Democrat, and they say Bachman and Palin and them say some stupid ****!!!!
As far as SS goes, give me half my owed money and allow me to put it into my 401K or invest it myself. I can be much more productive with it then the government and then the temptation for them to use if for other things is gone.

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