Key characteristics of a winning football program and head coach


100+ Posts
OK, I'll admit it. I bought into TH hook, line, and sinker. I listened to his description of what he had learned under elite coaches. He impressed me with his holistic approach and emphasis on process and culture. What I heard, was that through paying attention to process details, efficiencies of training would be improved, and player development accelerated.

Unfortunately, player development has not been impressive with seeming regression occurring and repetitive mistakes going uncorrected. Despite amazing talent hauls in recruiting, we are extremely vulnerable to player attrition as backups seem lost. But I don't really want to discuss TH, but I want to see what people see as the key attributes of winning programs and coaches. It could be further refined to what is needed at Texas for qualities that may be required here versus elsewhere. I'll start by throwing out my straw man for pummeling. The items are not put up in any sort of priority. Feel free to prioritize your own thoughts. Also, if you have candidates, feel free to rate their qualities. A head coach will rarely if ever possess all the capabilities required, but needs to be capable of making hires to complement his own abilities.

Recruiting: Coach as salesman--it helps to have someplace great to sell and to gain momentum by the fact of winning and sending players to NFL
Fan and Alum interaction: Coach as a cheerleader
Running the team, making the assistant coach hires: Coach as a CEO
Player development: Coach as a teacher/motivator
Team culture: Coach as standard setter/disciplinarian/leader/guidance of in team leadership
Team performance(pre-game game planning): Coach as a strategist
Team performance(during game, adjustments, play calling): Coach as a tactician

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