Keith Jackson is a bitter old man


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What a schmuck, still carping about a call in the second quarter of a game that would have left Texas with first and ten at the 11 on a drive where the Horns were just eating up yards. Still bitter that his beloved Pac 10 lost to Texas and he had to call two Texas wins in the Rose Bowl when he didnt want us in the game either time.

BTW from down here in Grand Cayman where we dodged a huge bullet last night, everyone on the gulf coast be safe, Hook em and BTHO FAU.
i love the "no bush on 4th and 2" bit as well...had lendale broken through, KJ would have proclaimed USC so good they didn't even need the heisman winner at the most crucial point in the game.

was glad when the effusive fellating of KJ ended but disappointed to remember that meant it was time for paul macguire to speak again
Yea, I heard that.
Glad that senile old fart is sitting at home.
Said it was a "horrible call", as if that one play is why USC lost.
What a homer loser.
KJ was the best college football PBP man ever, but he definitely should have retired five or more years ago.

It has been sad listening to him the last few years.
I'm confused. Didn't Pete Carroll decide to have White in there instead of Bush? It's not like on the prior play a Longhorn rolled his ankle on purpose and kept him out of the game.

I used to really like Jackson. Those comments today really change my view on him.

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