Keepin' it real in Collin County


500+ Posts
As a female, and I'm biased, I'm outraged by the Collin County jury that gave probation to a rapist/robber (fyi he committed this act in front of the woman's two small children.)

How does this not get jail time? Is this par for the course?

I live in Collin County, this sucks.

Keepin' it safe in the burbs!

You don't have to be female to be outraged by that. He used a gun, that usually increases the punishment given out. Also, it is the same punishment given to the Oklahoma State linebacker who had totally consenual sex (he was 17) with a girl that he didn't know was under age. Sentence for sex at the point of a gun = Sex for statutory rape consensually. Shouldn't be that way.
I couldn't believe the sentence when I heard it either. The circumstances as described seem to suggest an offender that will continue to be a risk.
In reply to:

first time felons frequently get probation, and i would be that this is a deferred adjudication too.

the good news is that he will be essentially locked up for about 2 years before going into house arrest.

this should have been a first deg. felony, since i would guess it was charged as an agg. assault with a deadly weapon. not necessarily your typical first time felon.

I will ask someone in that office about this when I go up for a discovery/negotiation/head game session with one of them in two weeks.
so the judge didn't allow prison time or the jury didn't? just a light jail sentence, some stupid classes and house arrest?

unreal.. what the **** am i missing?
There is a huge gap between 50 years and probation tht includes monitoring.

Can't the judge over rule the jury decision?

So any rapist that uses a condom is home free now?
This is stunning for women to consider.
Thanks for the information.
What could the jury have seen that resulted in them giving what to someone with no inside information looks like a mere swlap on the wrist.
Getting raped at gunpoint in front of your children and then seeing the attacker walk away( so he serves 2 years in a minimum security place and is on probation after thawqt, , that seems like walking away to me) means this victim and her children will suffer even more thastn they would yhave.

Really was it just that there was no DNA?
Dr Fear
As Dog explained in Texas a judge can't overturn a jury decision but I don't think that applies to all states and courts.

Maybe Attorneys understand this but to a layperson I don't understand how the jury could find him guilty and then give him such a light sentence
so he was 16, he was old enough to plan the crime and make sure he had a gun
I think 50 years sounded about right IF he did in fact rape the Mother in front of her 2 children, using a gun to threaten. the jury must have thought he did it, they found him guilty

your explanation of why the rapist should not want a new trial gives me hope He will get one .
Agree with most posters that its impossible to know why a jury did this without knowing all facts. If they did find him guilty of aggravated sexual assault or aggravated robbery, he faced 5 - life assuming no priors (juveniles tried as adults rarely have other adult sentences). I used to prosecute these sorts of cases regularly and Life was a given, the only question was whether or not the jury would throw the $10k fine on top.

Just to throw this out there, sometimes juries agree to convict as long as the sentence is probation because some of them hold out on G/I. For instance, "I'll vote guilty as long as we give him probation because I'm not really sure he did it."

My biggest question would by why the DA's office tried two first degree felonies at the same time. This is the perfect example of why you wouldn't want to consolidate cases.

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