Kansas Gets a Major Facilities Upgrade

Is there a drive-thru in the plans?
I kid you not:

"The head coach’s office is larger than a lot of apartments and includes an enormous private shower."
Good for them... all a part of keeping up with the Joneses. Question: Is it a copy-cat thing or just a similar marketing approach? That is the similarity of the use of the word "family" in the stadium / facility name at at KU - Lawrence and Wheat aggie in Manhatten. Which is it?
Someone needs to explain to someone in Kansas what "big boy football" really is. Hint: It ain't in Kansas.
In Kansas' defense, their stadium is a beautiful facility. They may not be the Joneses, but they aren't as bad as we give them credit for.

I went up there in 2004, and I will be up there again in November.
Their stadium is way behind in the Arms race but then again they are Kansas. If they keep winning like they did last year and Mangino continues to build that program up then I bet they have some stadium renovations that follow their practice facility.
Guaranteed: Kansas wiil not live up to the hype this year.

Their facilities have now been plus-sized to match their walrus. Yeah I went for the easy shot. Fluke.
The alternative is for Mangino to reek of B.O. while recruting.

Maybe they've gotten some comment cards from recruits saying that they would have gone to Kansas, but the coach smelled like ***.

I'd say the shower will help.
Ridicule is pretty easy. Mangino's guys play hard. They will not be an easy win, particularly in Lawrence, for anyone. I think they are going to be factors in the North for some years to come. Their coaching staff did a heck of a job last year. My friends in Lawrence tell me the players love Mangino, and KU is now able to recruit better athletes than in the past. It would be dangerous to sell them short.

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