
What are you going to do? More gun control should be implemented to stop all the shootings in Chicago. Too bad for those that have been, and are being, killed.
I know you were being sarcastic about more gun control preventing this senseless death. Too bad others don't get it

How tragic this death was and how despicable this makes BO Sharpton Jackson all the Hollywood crowd etc etc etc who won't say a word about this sad killing.

and even sadder is the list down below the article that lists all the others shot killed or in ' critical condition just today in Chicago.

If all the people trying to make the Zimmerman trial about race focused on just Chicago perhaps something might get done.
Save the faux outrage for another time and work to stop what is going on in the major cities with such large murder rates.

there is an " interactive map" where you can see all the shootings that day in Chicago?

and the POS BO etc are out stirring up feelings of hatred toward whites.
Why doesn't he care about the innocent black children being killed by blacks over and over and over and over.
Just another day in paradise, unless it's something other than black on black. The left can't get any mileage unless race is a factor.
the iioftex
he should have called it " Baraq"

the entire news is all about the back ' rage' against Zimmerman and whites who are " racists"
NOT one word about an innocent 6 y o black child killed by a black
The Zimmerman case was interesting because there was a lot of issue brought to the fore that there are two ways to see.

Thankfully, having innocent kids killed in a turf war is not controversial. Now if we get articulate people willing to speak out in favor of senseless violence ...
You posted
' Now if we get articulate people willing to speak out in favor of senseless violence ... '

Good Lord man I hope that is an error and no one speaks out in favor of senseless violence but with your posts I can't always tell.

There are many many more issues surrounding the hundreds. maybe thousands of black on black murders of children in USA than this trumped up outrage.
6721 -- I was just speaking to the point that controversial items tend to get more attention.

I guess if a dentist came out in favor of gum disease or a mayor was grateful that neighborhood violence improved education by lowering average class size then we could attack them for taking a controversial stand. So far as I know there are no suitable advocates for things like gum disease or neighborhood violence, so the media has a hard time covering opposing viewpoints.
In the Zimmerman case you had conflicting good intentions. You had a neighborhood watch volunteer with the reasonable and sound goal of having a safer neighborhood. You had a kid bringing home Skittles and Iced Tea from a grocery store who didn't want to be hassled or viewed suspicously. That seems reasonable enough to me. Things went badlly, the neighborhood watch volunteer killed an unarmed teen. Reasonable and intelligent people (along with the unreasonable and unintelligent) view the facts differently. Even what is fact has been up for dispute.
Seems to me that if the Skittles and Tea toting teen had just gone to his destination he would still be alive today. Circling back and attempting to beat the "cracker" caused critical calamity for his person.

Darwin works in mysterious ways. I wonder what Darwin would say about the mass death that is occurring on the streets of Chicago contrasted with this single story of death?
The first 20 minutes of any local Chicago news show is a listing of the day's shootings, honestly. Every year you know when winter is finally gone when we get our first 15+ shooting day.

Seems to me, and I hate to say it, but, only black are allowed to kill black people. If another race does it, news media and all the equal right groups go crazy and say the system is flawed and racialized. If it's black on black, nobody cares.
Zork; That's an accurate take. Some people choose to focus on a better decision or two Zimmerman could have made. I think a lot of us can identify with the choices Zimmerman faced, hence we find it interesting to contemplate and discuss. Not many of us can identify with knuckleheads exchanging gunfire on the streets of Chicago.
Note to self: a person that I jump and intend to beat up because I think he is suspicious of me,might have a gun and shoot me, maybe I should just go home.

If you didn't want people to look at you as suspicious then don't wear a Hoodie at dusk in a neighborhood where one might think you are part of a criminal or drug dealing gang.
.At least eight burglaries were reported within Twin Lakes in the 14 months prior to the Trayvon Martin shooting, according to the Sanford Police Department.
On February 2, 2012, Zimmerman placed a call to Sanford police after spotting a young black man he recognized peering into the windows of a neighbor's empty home, according to several friends and neighbors.

'I don't know what he's doing. I don't want to approach him, personally,' Zimmerman said in the call, which was recorded.

The dispatcher advised him that a patrol car was on the way. By the time police arrived, according to the dispatch report, the suspect had fled.

On February 6, the home of another Twin Lakes resident, Tatiana Demeacis, was burglarized.

Two roofers working directly across the street said they saw two African-American men lingering in the yard at the time of the break-in.

A new laptop and some gold jewelry were stolen. One of the roofers called police the next day after spotting one of the suspects among a group of male teenagers, three black and one white, on bicycles.
don't forget the young mother who had to hide in a closet with her young children when 2 black men broke into her home in the same neighborhood in august 2012

Zimmerman did not profile him just because he was black but because he was walking through the neighborhood not on the sidewalks.

But keep up the racist meme if it makes you feel better.
Good grief. He was a "neighborhood watch" person. That means he is out "watching" for anything suspicious. If you come in my neighborhood, I am going to watch you as well. Why?I know I have never seen you before and you are within a gated community. Could care less what you look like, what you are wearing or what you are driving.

Maybe GZ stopped a crime before it occurred and maybe he didn't. Nobody will ever know. However, the police, the FBI and a court of law said GZ did nothing wrong.

A young teen tried to start an altercation with me in a parking lot about a year ago. I warned him and identified him as someone who attended my kid's school. We were both lucky he stopped where he did.
Trayvon was no saint. He bought Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Cocktail drink, not iced tea. (See crime scene photos). Those, mixed with Robitussiin, make a drug called, on the street, "lean." It's apparently a poor man's PCP. Had he hurried home to mix his cocktail he would be alive today. But instead he felt the need to attack George Zimmerman.

Most of the murders today are black-on-black murders. Including innocent children caught in the crossfire. Why is this ignored? These kids didn't choose to be born in an inner city, but they die and no one seems to care. I guess Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton get more publicity screaming about justice for Trayvon.
I hadn't even thought of that! Last I heard it was called "dranke" or "purple" Purple is mixed with cough syrup.

Who knows, but wouldn't it be the irony of all time if the very items continuously mentioned to prove Trayvon's purity were being bought for that reason.
Trayvon's Skittles, Arizona Iced Tea and something called 'Purple Drank'

Trayvon talking about Drank/Lean FB

Trayvon Martin Lean discussion

Man, kids are so creative nowadays. Anyways, despite his prior history at school, facebook posts about Lean, and the very serendipitous coincidence of getting skittles and Arizona Watermelon drink...it doesn't REALLY mean this was what he was going to do. It is also not illegal.

Either way, it doesn't have anything to do with using self defense when you feel you are in threat of great bodily harm.

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