.At least eight burglaries were reported within Twin Lakes in the 14 months prior to the Trayvon Martin shooting, according to the Sanford Police Department.
On February 2, 2012, Zimmerman placed a call to Sanford police after spotting a young black man he recognized peering into the windows of a neighbor's empty home, according to several friends and neighbors.
'I don't know what he's doing. I don't want to approach him, personally,' Zimmerman said in the call, which was recorded.
The dispatcher advised him that a patrol car was on the way. By the time police arrived, according to the dispatch report, the suspect had fled.
On February 6, the home of another Twin Lakes resident, Tatiana Demeacis, was burglarized.
Two roofers working directly across the street said they saw two African-American men lingering in the yard at the time of the break-in.
A new laptop and some gold jewelry were stolen. One of the roofers called police the next day after spotting one of the suspects among a group of male teenagers, three black and one white, on bicycles.
don't forget the young mother who had to hide in a closet with her young children when 2 black men broke into her home in the same neighborhood in august 2012
Zimmerman did not profile him just because he was black but because he was walking through the neighborhood not on the sidewalks.
But keep up the racist meme if it makes you feel better.